OBS Chief
Equipment is imbalanced right now#19/14 July cancelled whole route from NYP to NOL. Any ideas?
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Equipment is imbalanced right now#19/14 July cancelled whole route from NYP to NOL. Any ideas?
Yup. I understand one additional consist is stuck in the south for some reason that I have not followed. Saw a message about one train being short terminated in Atlanta and the consist deadheading to NOL Anyone know what went on leading to this situation?Pr
Equipment is imbalanced right now
I believe that there was a NS derailment north of ATL.Yup. I understand one additional consist is stuck in the south for some reason that I have not followed. Saw a message about one train being short terminated in Atlanta and the consist deadheading to NOL Anyone know what went on leading to this situation?
Thanks for the info. That explains why the short termination happened.I believe that there was a NS derailment north of ATL.
the Justice Department complaint is attached.hopefully not behind paywall -
It's a shame what they've done to dining service on the Crescent and some other LD trains.
It's almost like they want them to fail.
This makes me wonder why Amtrak doesn’t just throw in the towel and schedule stops long enough for passengers to get off and actually eat? Maybe a 1-1 1/2 hour stop where there’s a crew change.
Passengers can feel comfortable getting off and walking a block or so. Local growth would occur as there would be at least sandwich shops & fast food/convenience stores that might open in or near the terminal. It would also give Amtrak a spot to freshen up the train a bit before moving on. Amtrak could then stop pretending to care about that whole dining car experience and simply say cafe car for everyone. If you are already in it for the long haul, what’s another few hours if the entire trip is a better experience?
And some stations do not have places to eat nearby. Look at Charleston SC and Savannah GA for instance.Not trying to quash your idea too harshly, but that's a hard no for so, so many reasons.
Longer published schedules will deter ridership more than lack of a dining car.
Longer schedules equals more payroll hours.
Crew change points aren't established around meal times.
There are no Harvey Houses and many locations don't have amenities reasonably walkable that could accommodate up to a few hundred people on a moment's notice. If there are establishments, and the train is really late, would they stay open to accommodate Amtrak passengers? No.
If the train is late, Amtrak would cut the meal stop short to get back on schedule, anyway.
Freight railroads won't allow Amtrak to tie up their track for an extended passenger meal break.
The train isn't going to get a better "freshen up" while stopped vs. the freshen up OBS is supposed to do while moving enroute.
Longer schedules cut into turnaround time. We already see late outbounds due to late inbounds. Now we're either making the on-time origin problem worse or adding sets of equipment to protect the service, equipment Amtrak most certainly does not have idly sitting around.
Not in late June - food was served in Flex packaging.On the LSL flex food is presented the same way as traditional dining. Is it the same for the Crescsnt?
The Crescent is so much more a nicer route up to DC. Obviously cost is a consideration but Eastern NC is just sooo flat.On time performance certainly has improved. 20 has been hitting my hometown of CLT, pretty much on time all week. Amazing what can happen sometimes when you exercise your lawful rights.
This is starting to make me wanna go back to booking roomettes, instead of business class on the Carolinian.
Hopefully, CAF is out of the picture for future equipment.Crescent is going down to one Sleeper (plus Bag-Dorm of course) in the fall, to be restored to two during various holidays. It has partially to do with the equipment for the 5th consist needed for the Star/Cap and partially to do with more than expected outage of VLIIs due to premature failure of some critical parts apparently. The CAF fiasco continues to cast its shadow. Eventually, once the VLII issues are resolved sometime in early next year Crescent will permanently get its second Sleeper and Star/Cap will get a third Sleeper. For now Meteor is running with two VLIs and 1 VLII due to unavailability of VLIIs. big sigh....
Total waste of a diner. Get back to traditional dining since you're charging an arm and a leg.On the Crescent now.
Nice to eat in the diner instead of spending the whole time in our roomette
We were told this is the first day serving the above menu