Crew Hotels

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you've never been around drunk crewmembers on a layover, have you...??
In Miami a helpful station agent once got us a room at the hotel the crews stayed at, and even got us the crew room rate. No problems, and it was a nice hotel. It's a hotel, not a crew dorm. And most of the crewmembers we've had a chance to get to know "off the job" have been pretty nice people. Not rowdy drunks. They were tired and wanted sleep. They didn't have any interest in starting out the next run hung over, and it showed.
On the SWC our car attendant was VERY friendly with us and told us that they put him up for a night in CHI at the Best Western and that Amtrak does not pay for the meals, but rather gives a small stipend (or at least that's what I seem to think he said).
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