Days to post points for eticket

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Lead Service Attendant
Nov 10, 2010
Seattle, WA
I know for paper ticket, it may take 7 days to post points on AGR. Then how about eticket?

I had one trip last Thursday (3/28) and Sunday (3/31), but I still can't see them as of today (4/4).
For our trip a few weeks back, it took about 7 days for some segments to post, some a little quicker. They should be posting within a few days, hopefully.
I took a r/t on 3/28. My first ride, in the morning, has not posted yet, but my return ride in the afternoon posted several days ago. I've had etickets take as long as week to post, so I'm not concerned... yet. Maybe the Easter weekend slowed things down, as many folks take time off around Easter, and it is just taking a bit longer with less staff in-house at Amtrak and AGR.
My FLG-CHI reward trip on Easter has posted, but my CHI-WAS and WAS-RVR legs haven't. IIRC, my Surfliner legs were up within about two business days (I think they were up by the time I left Phoenix). I'm finding that 3-7 days is normal, but it can vary a bit based on everything from when you travel (major travel periods slow things a bit) to shifting tea leaves, auguries, and the influence of animal spirits (which is to say that you get lucky sometimes and unlucky others).
And almost as if on cue, the points for the first leg of my trip last Thursday, 3/28, just posted this afternoon. :)
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I rode 66 last Thursday and it posted two days later. That's the quickest an eTicket has posted for me. But my return on 2163 has yet to post. So at least 8 days. That's a new record for an eTicket post. :D

Edit: Well what do you know. In the past 30 minutes the points posted. :)
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A week ago Wednesday I did a PHL-PAO-EXT (multi-city ticket with the Pennsylvanian as the PHL-PAO segment) and back EXT-PHL (on just the Pennsylvanian) points run. We had a total of six minutes in EXT. The two segments on the Pennsylvanian posted two days later on Friday but it took until I think Sunday or Monday for the six minutes of travel time trip on the Keystone with the conductor saying "I want to know who is taking this train only to Exton" as the train arrived from PAO to EXT. The Pennsylvanian segments got the 100 extra points with them while the Keystone lacked the bonus.
I traveled EMY-TRU by #6 and TRU-SAC-EMY by Thruway+Capitol Corridor same day on 3/31. I do not see any points posted yet. Any idea by when they should be in?

On that note, how many points do I get for TRU-EMY using Thruway bus + Capitol Corridor option? Will it be 100 for bus + 100 for train (two different "trains") or just a combined 100 for the entire run?
My (vacation trip) NYP-EXT from 3/31 just posted for me today.

Closer to home, I did an OAC-FMT-GAC multi-segment ticket once. The conductor asked if I wanted to use both segments at the same time. I understand if that happens, I only get 100 points since the combined total was less than $50.

Anyone knows what happens with the Double Day promotion when you have segments over 100 points? I would assume that the highest two segments in points in a day qualify for it, although I could imagine it could happen in chronogological order.

I didn't even hear about the Double Days promotion until yesterday and signed up. Still got the double points for the 3/31 trip once it posted. So they'll backdate the promotion to all travel in the promotion window. I wonder what happens if someone's points already posted and then they register for the promotion.
Several passengers go from PAO-PHL and return in the evening. I've never been asked about going that 20 mile distance.
Paoli to Exton is only about 9 miles and of course over in a few minutes. I'm guessing the conductors don't see too many people taking that route.

I'm just wondering if my point run is going to be an issue. I've thought of doing point runs that involve Berkeley to Emeryville, which is about 2 minutes. Just tracking down a conductor could get interesting. However, those tickets don't get cancelled for not showing up.
I didn't even hear about the Double Days promotion until yesterday and signed up. Still got the double points for the 3/31 trip once it posted. So they'll backdate the promotion to all travel in the promotion window. I wonder what happens if someone's points already posted and then they register for the promotion.
When the overnight housekeeping chores run, the double points will post for trips taken and already posted that still fall within the promo's dates.

I once registered for a promo several years ago, about 2 months after the promo started running. I had at least 4 or 5 trips that had already posted with dates that were within the promo's window. When I woke up the next morning, every trip had double points.

What made things even more interesting is the fact that the promo I registered for overlapped another promo that started a month earlier. So on the trips that fell within both windows, I had already gotten triple points, and then after registering for the other promo I got double points on the same trips. :)
I had a four-segment trip last Sunday and Monday. I worked in a leisure trip with a commute trip the next morning.

The first segment posted on Tuesday. The 3rd/4th segments posted today (Thursday) and for one of those the conductor didn't scan my ticket but wrote down my reservation number. I'm still waiting for the 2nd segment to post.
I had a four-segment trip last Sunday and Monday. I worked in a leisure trip with a commute trip the next morning.
The first segment posted on Tuesday. The 3rd/4th segments posted today (Thursday) and for one of those the conductor didn't scan my ticket but wrote down my reservation number. I'm still waiting for the 2nd segment to post.
Last month a conductor was too lazy to scan the tickets because I boarded train 14 from Tacoma (last stop before Seattle). He just collected my eticket as a regular paper ticket!

The next day Amtrak gave me an voucher for "no show"......
I had a four-segment trip last Sunday and Monday. I worked in a leisure trip with a commute trip the next morning.
The first segment posted on Tuesday. The 3rd/4th segments posted today (Thursday) and for one of those the conductor didn't scan my ticket but wrote down my reservation number. I'm still waiting for the 2nd segment to post.
Last month a conductor was too lazy to scan the tickets because I boarded train 14 from Tacoma (last stop before Seattle). He just collected my eticket as a regular paper ticket!

The next day Amtrak gave me an voucher for "no show"......
I don't necessarily "get it". My entire reservation is now inactive, meaning that all the segments have been registered as being used. I can no longer pull up the details on the Amtrak iPhone app. So obviously for regular ticketing purposes, all the segments are used up. However, it just hasn't posted.

I thought of maybe taking the train up to Seattle, but I don't think I have the time. It would take a day, and I'm not even taking a day off from work. In fact I think it would be cheaper to fly.
I had a four-segment trip last Sunday and Monday. I worked in a leisure trip with a commute trip the next morning.
The first segment posted on Tuesday. The 3rd/4th segments posted today (Thursday) and for one of those the conductor didn't scan my ticket but wrote down my reservation number. I'm still waiting for the 2nd segment to post.
Last month a conductor was too lazy to scan the tickets because I boarded train 14 from Tacoma (last stop before Seattle). He just collected my eticket as a regular paper ticket!

The next day Amtrak gave me an voucher for "no show"......
That is why I show my phone for my eTicket. That way it is for sure scanned and in the system.
I had a four-segment trip last Sunday and Monday. I worked in a leisure trip with a commute trip the next morning.
The first segment posted on Tuesday. The 3rd/4th segments posted today (Thursday) and for one of those the conductor didn't scan my ticket but wrote down my reservation number. I'm still waiting for the 2nd segment to post.
Last month a conductor was too lazy to scan the tickets because I boarded train 14 from Tacoma (last stop before Seattle). He just collected my eticket as a regular paper ticket!

The next day Amtrak gave me an voucher for "no show"......
That is why I show my phone for my eTicket. That way it is for sure scanned and in the system.
I mentioned writing down the reservation number and doing the bookkeeping later. I could see that happening then a conductor losing a piece of paper or forgetting to do it.
Assuming your entire trip didn't get screwed up for being a "no-show", if your ticket didn't get scanned, would you settle for the eVoucher or, call to get the points? Wondering if there would be a time where the voucher would be "worth more" than the points lost.
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I'm still waiting for a segment from a multi-city trip to post. The reservation is completed and I've sent in a request, but after 3-1/2 weeks it hasn't posted yet. The other segments posted within a day. In addition to that, I've got a few 10-ride tickets that have been used up but haven't posted. One of them was the one without a bar code (the reservation number is on the ticket).
If you have waited for 3 1/2 weeks, you should phone AGR with your

ticket/reservation info and request that your points be posted manually.
My trip on Sunday posted on Monday; I'm still waiting on my trip from Tuesday. In general, though, it's now "within a week".