DC Union Station Lower Level Food Court Mystery Area

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Jul 29, 2019
Greensboro, NC
Can someone explain what/where/how to get to the lower level circled in red at the Food Court level?

I am only there once a year mostly and did not walk around the food court that much last visit last summer. But I did take some time to walk around all three levels, or so I thought. But I don't remember anything behind the food court. Did I miss a secret passage? Is there an outside entrance to the part that does not connect elsewhere to the main part of Union Station. Can someone give me the password?

Taking the Crescent in mid-June to visit the Zoo and then a short trip to Baltimore for a day for baseball. If I have to I will leave my wife in the Metro Lounge and explore (after I can some bread at the Potbelly to leave a trail.)

I pulled this off the map at https://www.unionstationdc.com/directory/