Difference in Price.. Amtrak.com VS. Amtrak App

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Super Buff
Jan 11, 2008
Somewhere between here and there
Was looking into fares for a visit home in January. Amtrak.com shows a trip from RTE-PAO via PHL listed at $95 under the "Value Bucket". Under the Amtrak App for iPhone the fare between the same city pairs with the same trains is listed at $67..

That is an extreme difference in price! Almost $30! :eek:

Why is it that Amtrak.com is showing $95 and the App is showing $67? IF this price plan holds up I'll use the app for the purchase. Two kids=Save Money!!! ;)

Thoughts on this error of sorts?

I think the polite way to put it is that Amtrak.com is having "issues" with the new system. Note the erratic sleeper fare situation...I'm increasingly of a mind to post an outright warning to folks NOT to use amtrak.com but to call Amtrak directly owing to these problems.
Hi Anderson,

What do you mean by the erratic sleeper fares? I'm about to book a journey on the CZ & a return on the SWC. Have the fares varied much recently?
Hi Anderson,

What do you mean by the erratic sleeper fares? I'm about to book a journey on the CZ & a return on the SWC. Have the fares varied much recently?
Cliff is talking about a "Bug" in Amtrak.coms Pricing System that makes the Prices for Booking a Sleeping car Room Vary when Booking On-Line from the Price you Get on the Amtrak App or when you Call Amtrak to Book a Sleeping Car! It's always Best to Call to get the Correct/Current Fare until this "Bug" is Corrected! Officially Amtrak's Crack iT Dept. is "Working on It!"
Actually, for me, the biggest hassle is trying to book as sleeper online, regardless of whether I go thru amtrak.com or app. Unless I call their 800-number there is no way to tell if there is or isn't a sleeper available. Often times I have found both amtrak.com and the app will tell me all bedrooms sold out until I call their 800-number and find there are bedrooms available. Sometimes the opposite is true: The online sites will tell me there are bedrooms available when there really aren't. Whenever I called amtrak, their CSR's always told me that was an "issue" they bring up constantly at meetings and suggested to ALWAYS call to book sleeper accomodations, rather than rely on info obtained online (or via app).
I wonder how much it costs to keep enough CSR's around to handle everything the website still cannot manage.
It probably costs more than it would cost if the website simply admitted that it couldn't manage some things. The CSRs now have to not only deal with getting the customer what he or she wants, but *also* with the massive confusion spewing from the website!
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