Dining Car Menus

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Hubby and I rode Sunset Ltd/Texas Eagle a couple weeks ago, and the dining car menu was exactly the same as the one on the Coast Starlight in May 2018.
The latest menus for most trains with full-service diners have fewer selections with slightly higher prices, and there is no custom cover artwork for individual trains.
The Cardinal is an odd bird (sorry, couldn't resist) in that one attendant is both chef and waiter, so its menu is unique to that train.
Perhaps there's a convection oven, toaster or microwave where frozen French Toast could be heated up?
The French Toast in the full dining car came on board pre-made and frozen. It was just heated up on the grill (I think?). The last time I had french toast on the Cardinal it was pretty decent I thought. They may have changed it though, that was many years ago (but since the 1 cafe car set-up).
I had French Toast on the Cardinal recently, and it was delicious. I added some maple chicken sausage to get some protein, and it was a perfect breakfast, even for someone like me who normally only eats eggs for breakfast.
I also had the Cardinal's French Toast on two recent trips. On my trip this January, there were even small bottles of real maple syrup available on each table in addition to the packets of "breakfast syrup". Being from Vermont it was a nice touch.
Talking about dining car “menus”. I did a brief trip report in the other section about our two nights on the Zephyr this week. One thing I neglected to mention the new menus books are made very cheaply, not laminated or able to be wiped and cleaned like the old ones. The new menus already have coffee stains on them and feel like cheap thin cardboard. Another step in wrong direction.
French toast, sadly, has been gone for several years now.
I had the French toast on two trips on the Lake Shore in May 2018 when the diner-lite car was still in service and it was very good. I cannot recall if French toast was available on the western trains that I took on those trips.

It seems that for several years the Amtrak menus would change in the spring and fall and French toast or pancakes would alternate with these menu changes. I don't believe that both were offered on the same train at the same time.