I generally would get off if not asleep; however I was traveling on business (Amtrak) with two of my colleagues and we stopped in Memphis on the CONO. The toilets n the sleeper were not working so,we got off, notified the Conductor we were going into the compartment under the car to see if we could fix the problem. We were in phone contact with a maintenance person in NOL who,was talking us through the problem. One of us got back on the car to see of the toilets would flush properly and at that moment th train began to depart MEM! I jumped off, saw the Conductor at the end of the train and signaled him to stop. He did and once we stopped my colleague who was still in the compartment came charging down the platform ready to deck the Conductor. He is close to six feet tall, about 250 and build like a linebacker. We had to physically grab him to protect the Conductor who would have been destroyed. Needless to say, we had to keep,them separated for the remainder of the trip....and th toilets still didn't work!