Recently, I had a marvelous trip in roomettes from DEN-CHI-WAS-NYP. When I completed the CL leg of the trip, I noticed that I might be able to catch one of the earlier Regionals to NYP instead of the one on which I was ticketed. A young, uniformed man at WAS Union Station said sure I could get an earlier train; all I had to do was take two rights to the ticket counter and everything would be taken care of. Wrong. I was told it would be an addl. $100+ to take an earlier train. I'm pretty sure this issue has come up before, but I haven't been able to find find out what the Amtrak policy is in this instance. I mean, I had no checked baggage and I would have (presumably) taken up an otherwise unoccupied seat. What I was requesting would be akin, I would think, to jumping on an earlier flight as long as there was not a baggage issue, I was ticketed and there was space available. Is there some rational explanation for why Amtrak cannot manage this? Or, is there just an "Amtrak" explanation?