Dogs Metro North

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I have a 6month old 60pd (will get to 90pds) well behaved dog. Can I take him on Metro North? And take him on all lines on Metro North (i.e., Upstate NY & CT). Where do I enter at Grand Central? I have been turned away by security by the doors going North when I was with my dog.

I have a 6month old 60pd (will get to 90pds) well behaved dog. Can I take him on Metro North? And take him on all lines on Metro North (i.e., Upstate NY & CT). Where do I enter at Grand Central? I have been turned away by security by the doors going North when I was with my dog.
Question: by "pds" you do mean pounds, right? Abbreviation for that is usually lbs.
Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2) of this subdivision, no person may bring any animal on or into any conveyance or facility unless enclosed in a container and carried in a manner which would not annoy other passengers.
The rules for bringing "lower life forms" on trains are even now inconsistent between local services compare Amtk Metro North, Metra, Deutsche Bahn.

Here's a link 150 year old ebook pets on trains 1860 choose your reader.

Here's the subtitle of the 150 years ago cartoon


Railway Porter (to old lady travelling with a menagerie of pets). "'Station-master say, mum, as cats is 'dogs,' and rabbits is 'dogs,' and so's parrots; but this ere 'tortis' is a insect, so there ain't no charge for it!"

So - 150 years -- and the rules are still inconsistent between connecting RR's buses, local transit -

I see no hope of intermodal consistency in the next 150 years on this issue.
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