Biden's responsibilites include appointing Amrak Board members when their terms expire. Their's have all expired for a year or more now. He has been in office over a year. It is Buttigieg's and Trottenberg's responsibility to "remind" him as well. Those fish should be big enough to fry. I think they are so mezmorized by Connect US that they forgot.
Well, one of the delays is that Congress had a bill completely reorganizing the Amtrak board (different requirements for the appointments). This bill passed late last year, IIRC. I can see why Biden waited until after it passed to appoint new board members -- but now he REALLY should appoint them, since the current board is now not only expired but illegal!
We have this section of law to deal with at Amtrak:
Title 49 U.S. Code § 24102. Definitions
“(C) long-distance routes of more than 750 miles between endpoints operated by Amtrak as of the date of enactment of the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2008.
Amtrak’s likely interpretation: nothing is to be added ad infinitum to the national network from 15 routes of 2008 unless entirely funded by multiple states. So 750 miles means nothing - states pay.
That's not what it says, of course. We can introduce 500 new Chicago-NY trains along as many different routes as we like, with no state funding, according to that provision.
But Amtrak management is historically quite fond of not actually reading the law, as we know.
If it had meant "existing routes" it should have said "long distance routes of more than 750 miles length operated by Amtrak".
It says "long distance routes of more than 750 miles between *endpoints* operated by Amtrak".
If I'm not mistaken, this change was specifically inserted by the supporters of the North Coast Hiawatha, but you see it other applications.