Permanent Way Inspector
Staff member
AU Supporting Member
Gathering Team Member
MNRR has been operating on two or three tracks in sections almost continuously for the last two decades anyway.
I'm not sure if they're still taking comments, but at the last public meeting on February 12, there was a paper form for comments including pros/cons of each plan and at the bottom said if you need more room, email [email protected] so you could try sending your thoughts there.Western MA is home for a lot of people working in Eastern MA (lets just say Boston). An alternative to driving would be a huge help. Whether they need to go dramatic or not is up in the air. My hope had always been to add a few more LSLs. One per day in each direction makes in nearly impossible to get anywhere beyond Boston or NY within the same day. ALB - NYP - PHL takes less than one day but getting to ALB requires a good drive from Western MA.
Of the 6 plans, at least 3 include Pittsfield. Unless the Berkshire Flyer (PIT - NYP) sees the light of day, it’d be nice to have them push 1 of the 3 plans that include Pittsfield.