Unless you're a real connoisseur of North Dakota landscapes, like me, there isn't much difference in the scenery. While you quickly move out of the billiard table flatness of the Red River valley into more rolling country, about the only striking difference is that you go over a high trestle over the Sheyenne River. It's not as dramatic as the trestle over Gassmann Coulee west of Minot, but it's something.
The track condition is certainly better than the bouncy jointed track on the Hillsboro sub between Fargo and Grand Forks (is that being replaced this year?), but speed is completely dependent on traffic. One trip we sat for hours at a siding waiting for oncoming freights. Another eastbound trip the conductor announced that the freight in front of us that was slowing us down was taking a siding, and we had clear track to Fargo.