A good part of the way thru summer and I think it is interesting to look at the BNSF estimates of transit times for the Hi-Line from last winter and what we are currently seeing. BNSF told Amtrak, before the new "padding" was added, that Amtrak could expect 7-8 hour delays eastbound into Chi-town and 3-4 hour delays westbound into SEA/PDX. Well, if you look at the arrival delays at the termination points over the past 4-6 weeks, the BNSF folks were very close to their estimates. Even with the 3 extra hours of padding #8 is arriving 4-5 hours late consistently and #7, with their additional 90 minutes is arriving 2-3 hours late on the West coast. At least they got the estimated delays right--even if we all are frustrated by this situation. I guess Amtrak was not about to agree to add 8 hours to the eastbound trek, nor were they comfortable in adding 4 hours to the westbound trip either. The compromise was likely necessitated by a lot of factors, not the least of which may have been crew issues. While the "official" schedule remains as a hope to return to at some point, my observation of BNSF's construction scheduling and traffic increases would indicate the progress is going to be measured over several years, not a few months. I think people are now resigning themselves to multiple hour arrival delays both ways on the Empire Builder route, with de facto no connections for almost all other trains out of CHI for the foreseeable future. Makes a LD train ride from the west cost to the east or gulf coasts a lot longer with that overnight stay in CHI, but not much else anyone can do if the train is the only option.