This occasional background look at corridor fares follows the previous thread:
Here's a look at PDX>SEA and PDX>SPK. This for Sunday, August 21, 2022, and then for Sunday, October 2, for Sunday, October 16, and Sunday, November 13th.
Here's the PDX to SEA line-up as of Wednesday night:
0800 FB $44>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$34>>>>>>>>>>>$54>>>>>>>>>>>$34
0820 AT SO/SO>>>>>>>>>>>>SO/SO>>>>>>>>>SO/SO>>>>>>>>>SO/SO
0950 GL $27>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$26>>>>>>>>>>>$35>>>>>>>>>>>$27
1005 FB $44>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$39>>>>>>>>>>>$44>>>>>>>>>>>$68
1200 AT SO/SO>>>>>>>>>>>>SO/SO>>>>>>>>>SO/SO>>>>>>>>>SO/SO
1230 FB $31>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$39>>>>>>>>>>>$49>>>>>>>>>>>$68
1500 FB $37>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$49>>>>>>>>>>>$44>>>>>>>>>>>$80
1556 AT SO/SO/$153>>>>>>>>SO/SO/$267>>>>>>SO/SO/$293>>>>>SO/SO/$267
1830 FB $37>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$49>>>>>>>>>>>$54>>>>>>>>>>>$80
1925 AT $35/$75>>>>>>>>>>>$66/SO>>>>>>>>>SO/SO>>>>>>>>>SO/SO
1950 GL $27>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$27>>>>>>>>>>>$37>>>>>>>>>>>$29
And here's PDX to SPK:
0800 FB $61 via Seattle>>>>>>>>>$52>>>>>>>>>$97>>>>>>>>>>>$107
0820 AT SO/SO/SO chng at Seattle>>SO/SO/SO>>>>SO/SO/SO>>>>>>>SO/SO/SO
0950 GL $69 chng at Stanfield>>>>>$72>>>>>>>>>$76>>>>>>>>>>>$71
1645 AT $58/--/$183>>>>>>>>>>>$58/--/$690>>>$58/--/$293>>>>>>$58/--/$230
AT = Amtrak Coach/Business/Sleeper, FB = Flixbus includes service charge rounded, GL = Greyhound Lines. SO = Sold Out.
Note: There is no through PDX<>VAC train as of yet. The 0820, 1200, and 1556 train departures from PDX enjoy bus connections in SEA to VAC.
Flix is using the ability to raise fares to the highest level that they've ever reached. As of Wednesday evening, most Sunday Flix trips were marked as "almost full".
Their advertising reaches out to rail passengers.
Here's a look at PDX>SEA and PDX>SPK. This for Sunday, August 21, 2022, and then for Sunday, October 2, for Sunday, October 16, and Sunday, November 13th.
Here's the PDX to SEA line-up as of Wednesday night:
0800 FB $44>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$34>>>>>>>>>>>$54>>>>>>>>>>>$34
0820 AT SO/SO>>>>>>>>>>>>SO/SO>>>>>>>>>SO/SO>>>>>>>>>SO/SO
0950 GL $27>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$26>>>>>>>>>>>$35>>>>>>>>>>>$27
1005 FB $44>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$39>>>>>>>>>>>$44>>>>>>>>>>>$68
1200 AT SO/SO>>>>>>>>>>>>SO/SO>>>>>>>>>SO/SO>>>>>>>>>SO/SO
1230 FB $31>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$39>>>>>>>>>>>$49>>>>>>>>>>>$68
1500 FB $37>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$49>>>>>>>>>>>$44>>>>>>>>>>>$80
1556 AT SO/SO/$153>>>>>>>>SO/SO/$267>>>>>>SO/SO/$293>>>>>SO/SO/$267
1830 FB $37>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$49>>>>>>>>>>>$54>>>>>>>>>>>$80
1925 AT $35/$75>>>>>>>>>>>$66/SO>>>>>>>>>SO/SO>>>>>>>>>SO/SO
1950 GL $27>>>>>>>>>>>>>>$27>>>>>>>>>>>$37>>>>>>>>>>>$29
And here's PDX to SPK:
0800 FB $61 via Seattle>>>>>>>>>$52>>>>>>>>>$97>>>>>>>>>>>$107
0820 AT SO/SO/SO chng at Seattle>>SO/SO/SO>>>>SO/SO/SO>>>>>>>SO/SO/SO
0950 GL $69 chng at Stanfield>>>>>$72>>>>>>>>>$76>>>>>>>>>>>$71
1645 AT $58/--/$183>>>>>>>>>>>$58/--/$690>>>$58/--/$293>>>>>>$58/--/$230
AT = Amtrak Coach/Business/Sleeper, FB = Flixbus includes service charge rounded, GL = Greyhound Lines. SO = Sold Out.
Note: There is no through PDX<>VAC train as of yet. The 0820, 1200, and 1556 train departures from PDX enjoy bus connections in SEA to VAC.
Flix is using the ability to raise fares to the highest level that they've ever reached. As of Wednesday evening, most Sunday Flix trips were marked as "almost full".
Their advertising reaches out to rail passengers.