Empire Builder accident (9/25/21)

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Was just at the Edmonds, WA station and heard (and saw on twitter as well) that the Empire Builder seems to have had a pretty bad derailment in MT. Will try and post more as I hear more.
Really hoping everyone is ok but the sightseer lounge looks like it’s on its side.
Tight lock couplers worked somewhat, there would be a sleeper and Coach behind that lounge. The separate car on its side is concerning. Hope injuries are kept to a minimum.
Are those the 2 sleepers turned on side seperate from the rest of the consist?
Sure looks like it, from the pictures this is what it looks like to me:

Portland section all turned on it's side, with the cars behind the SSL (ONe sleeper and one or two coaches, looks like one) disconnected from the rest of the train.
That explains the where the Portland section was, should be behind the Lounge. Tight lock couplers are super strong but cannot overcome physics.

Really, really, really, really hoping the five fatalities is a bad rumor.
Also appears to be at a switch... perhaps one of the cars picked the switch at speed... looks like back trucks of diner are on the ground.

Very sad.
I wonder what happened in the diner during it! Always been curious to see how much stuff would spill/fall and break, and how they would clean it up afterwards. Well, I guess they would be evacuating in this instance.
I wonder what happened in the diner during it! Always been curious to see how much stuff would spill/fall and break, and how they would clean it up afterwards. Well, I guess they would be evacuating in this instance.

This is the exact reason that all Amtrak diners and lounge cars have to have booth seating or chairs bolted to ground. Also why the coffee makers have to be installed.

Still, those cars wouldn’t fall gently.

Very sad.

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