I rode the EB with my wife in September 2010 from SEA to CHI. I have a co-worker who rode Amtrak once last year the CZ from LNK to OSC. He loved it! He didn't tell me he was going to ride it and then came up and said, "I loved it!" So he and his girlfriend are driving up to MSP to see family and depart on the EB in two weeks. They are doing a RT but I have forgotten some tidbits about the EB route. Smoke breaks? (they don't smoke but will want to stretch their legs) Neat sights? They are traveling in a roomette so that will give them some privacy. They are coming over to our house tomorrow and I'm going to show them everything we know about rail travel and what to pack and what not to pack etc. Any helpful info would be much appreciated. Every single person that has taken a maiden (his girlfriend is an Amtrak newbie) Amtrak trip and taken the time to come over to our home and familiarize themselves before boarding for the first/second trip, they always really enjoy it and travel again. The only couple who didn't want to make time to do it since it wasn't "no big deal we will be fine" couldn't believe how "small the roomettes were" and "we got yelled at when we walked in the dining car and proceeded to sit down" didn't enjoy the trip and will probably not take a train again, so its things like this we all take for granted that newbies just don't know. So any tidbits to add? Cool things on the route? Seattle (we honeymooned their but only scratched the surface) or any types of info? Thanks everyone!
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