Sunday AM Update: I arrived in WFH around 6:15 AM (scheduled arrived was 10:26 PM Saturday--and this arrival was helped by our fall back hour too)!!! Soooo glad to get off the train. A ton of snow at Marias Pass last night. First big snow of the season for them. So, despite all of BNSF's and Amtrak's efforts to make things better, the timekeeping on this EB at least was just as miserable as the summer runs.
A couple of important points to note from my trip:
1. Between Minot and Stanley BNSF has laid double track for about 75% of that segment. Of which perhaps 50% of the new track was actually usable at this time, with the rest hopefully coming on line before the snow flies. Between Stanley and Williston a lot of preliminary track bed work, perhaps 50% of that segment, but no actual new track that I could see. It appears they are doing a lot of bed work and will lay track next year. What will take longer are several bridges that will need to be built/completed. Despite the additional trackage in eastern MT completed this year (about 40 miles worth and a couple new longer sidings), our EB was pulled aside several times and lost 3 hours in the stretch from eastern ND thru central MT last night and early this AM. I lost this amount of time going eastbound in this same area last week as well.
2. Sadly, the equipment is really, really showing its age. The toilet failures are the tip of the proverbial iceberg. During one of our numerous delays I had an opportunity to speak with a conductor and several attendants, who all independently said that BOTH this crazy schedule (or lack thereof) and the equipment failures are taking a severe toll on Amtrak and her people. I saw this firsthand in Minot when two maintenance people and three train folks tried their best to fix the broken toilets in both of the sleepers (the third sleeper-which had lost all of its water early on the trip was "fixed" by hammering the intake valve shut with a really big sledge). They toiled for 20 minutes, but with no success, mainly because the parts needed for repairs are not carried on board or at ANY of the service spots along the way. The MOT maintenance guy said Amtrak may either have to fly the needed parts out to SEA (if they can't "borrow" the parts from another car) to try to fix the toilets there, or send the two sleepers without working toilets back to CHI for final repair. He said he was betting on the second option. I pity the poor folks who get those cars if they can't fix them in SEA. None of the heat regulation devices appeared to work well on my EB. I went from car to car and temps varied hugely--and when I asked the attendants they said the adjustments just don't work well on many of their cars anymore. I know on my sleeper it was that way as well--one temp and that was it, no room adjustments worked in any of the rooms. I could list a litany of other "minor" issues (like our shower being on and really hot, or nothing else at all), but the bottom-line is the maintenance is not getting done. One attendant showed me copies of maintenance requests he had submitted for his car (it was long) and the CHI yard folks just checked things off as being done or no problem found. In each instance the problem was still very evident in his car.
The crews are remarkable people, who are putting their heart and souls into their jobs--I saw NO one just "phoning it in" on my EB run, but they are running out of reserves and fast. The huge swing in hours has really taken its toll on both morale and home life as well. Two conductors said they had absolutely no idea from day to day what their real schedule will be.
I also noted the train was very sparsely filled. Partly due to the time of the year, but as the crew also said, people now tell them that they just cannot count on the Empire Builders anymore. I poor fellow got on board in Browning (where there is NO indoor waiting area) early this AM. He was drenched. He had been waiting outside in the rain and snow for hours, having first showed up at the platform when Amtrak informed him to expect a 2 hour delay and he finally hopped on board 6 hours later!
Just my two cents worth. Happiness was having a hot shower and a working bathroom this morning!