Empire Corridor Electrification

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There's a thousand reasons why the Empire Corridor isn't going to be electrified anytime soon. For starters, catenary is a no-go because of some tunnels in Putnam and Dutchess County. Second, the cost. Also, the Governor comes from a NIMBY family-the father was behind lawsuits that was trying to block the construction of some high school athletic fields in Queens back in the 1960s.

The good news: Cuomo has pissed off quite a few statewide Democrats, including James Skoufis late 20-something in the state Assembly who has been fighting the state on annexation, Bill de Blasio (who has been fighting Cuomo since the day he became Hizzoner) Anthony Brindisi (who has been fighting to save the Adirondack Scenic Railroad, although some legislation on that would be nice). There's no doubt that Cuomo will have a challenger for 2018 (and potentially an urban Upstate Democrat) as his efforts to revitalize Upstate have been not going as well as many of us would like*. If Neil Abercrombie could go down in flames (coincidentally a native of Buffalo), Cuomo can too.

Nothing in the works. The State of NY is avoiding any train talk. Unable and unwilling to finish studies, answer questions, provider public speakers. Duck and cover mode.

The governor is getting ready to run for higher office.
The only higher office I could remotely see Cuomo running for is US Attorney General once (or if) Hillary gets in. That post is subject to Senate confirmation and no way in h-e double hockey sticks will the Senate, even with Chuck Schumer as Senate Majority Leader and HRC as POUTS, let Cuomo pass.

But yes, one of the reasons that "upstate train talk" has been avoided that I've heard (outside of tourist train destruction) is if NYS were to issue a final EIS for the corridor, they would be obligated to spend money on the route. And right now Cuomo is obsessed with his pet projects (LIRR Main Line Third Track, the "new" LaGuardia Airport (terminal), the new Tappan Zee Bridge and whatever his micromanaging heart wants to do. The corridor upgrades will happen, but probably not until another gubernatorial administration.

*Yes, I know Fred Dicker is a flaming conservative and the bastard brother of Roger Stone's political ambitions, but as crazy as the man is, he has a point.
I know personally that Cuomo has ticked off pretty much every single elected official upstate through the Medicaid transportation funding fiasco. He also ticked off nearly every elected Democrat in the state period by signing the pro-Republican gerrymander of the State Senate, followed by a bunch of other stunts which make it seem like he'd rather have Republicans in office than Democrats.

His support for the Republican gerrymander was a big F-U to the entire Democratic Party. As a result, any Democrat who runs against him in the primary and looks like they have a chance will get huge financial support from hardcore Democrats. I might even max out with $21,100 to help get rid of the turncoat.
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