Service Attendant
What is your go-to room when you're in Amtrak sleeper bedrooms and Roomettes? On the Viewliner, mine is the 1st or 2nd rooms. On the superliner, it's lower level room #12. What are yours?
I woulda told the flight attendant to to stow in the overhead bin!For both flights and rail travel, I have started to pay attention to the location of the sun, especially when it is low in the winter. This started because I had a flight attendant tell me that I needed to keep my shade down on a flight because the sun was shining in the window. I now book on whichever side the sun won't be shining directly into.
That said, my favorite roomette on a Viewliner is #1. This is because you can get a glimpse out of the other side because of the window in the corridor that is in front of roomette #2. My favorite bedroom is B, but this is only because it is the one that usually has the couch facing forward - at least on the routes that I tend to ride. I wouldn't have a preference otherwise.
I'm not fussy when it comes to Superliners. If traveling solo, I don't mind bedroom A because there is no door connecting it with another room. But it's not a strong preference.
I've seen them in #1, #10, #14 and none in my car but she was covering two Sleepers and I guessed camped out in the other.I thought the sleeper attendant was in roomette 1. I seem to recall seeing a uniformed person in that roomette the last 1 or 2 times I took the train. It was a Superliner. Can someone please edify me?
14 is downstairs. Some people like downstairs (less aisle traffic, close to bathrooms and shower) some do not (view not as good, have to go upstairs to get to diner) some don't care. All depends on your preferences.I have a trip scheduled on the Capitol Limited, DC to Chicago. I am in roomette #14. Can anyone tell me if this is an OK room assignment? My previous trips on this route have been on the Cardinal and I know this will be a different type of car.
Thank you!
Fortunately, (or unfortunately) not too many trains have a Sleeping Car #5 anymore these days. Mostly it is one or two cars, maybe three on a few occasions. Once Super Star is gone come September only train with that many Sleepers will be the Auto Train.Usually it's not a car's room #, but how far you are from the dining car. Car #5 is a long walk on a bouncing train.