First MARTA CQ400 Stadler Metro train

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Paniolo Man

Service Attendant
AU Supporting Member
Nov 30, 2022
The first train is substantially complete and has been stretching it's legs on the test track this week. Not sure about the timeline for delivery or if it'll go to Pueblo for testing or not. There are several other sets in production. This first train has taken a while to build, though once the process is established, these will fly off the line. PXL_20240829_002536268~2.jpg
are they replacing existing trains, or are they providing additional service?
The initial order is a complete replacement of the existing fleet, MARTA has options for 25 more trains should they feel like expanding service.
Question: When an agency or railroad exercises "options" for more equipment what are the terms, typically? Same cost per unit? I would imagine that depends how far down the line that occurs.