That's good to know about the LSL splitting in Albany, and since I'm getting off in Erie, it doesn't matter if I'm on the 448 or 48. Thanks! I'll just have to be diligent to listen for the stop in Erie so I don't miss it!
I imagine I won't sleep much if at all on the first "day," since I'll want to be awake to see the good Utah/Colorado scenery when it gets light (and initial travel jitters would probably keep me awake for a while anyway). I'll probably end up sleeping the most after Denver. (I've seen the plains in great detail when I first drove from PA to the West on I-80......I don't think I'll miss a lot in Nebraska). If I can I'll nap a bit at first, then try to get to the viewing lounge for sunrise.
I'm not as concerned about seating on the LSL, as I grew up in that region and have seen the Great Lakes a lot. Though sunrise over the lake is nice.

I'll probably try to sit on the left side of the CZ if I can, since I've read some comments that indicate the north side tends to have more interesting views. Though if I get to be in the viewing lounge when I'd like, I suppose it wouldn't matter much.
I do hope I'll be able to have a dining car experience! If not, then I'll just go again someday when I can. (The price of a roomette didn't seem worth it to me this time, since I'm a fairly light eater (especially when traveling) and might not even want all the meals in the dining car, and I'm an easy sleeper so coach won't bother me. And I'll want to meet other passengers and enjoy the viewing lounge, and a roomette might tempt me to stay in there too much.)
Otherwise, I'm sure my carry-on food and the cafe will suffice (I've seen the menu and I will do fine with it!)
Assuming the CZ arrives in Chicago on time-ish and I would have several hours to wait, is there anything fairly close by Union Station in Chicago I should go see? Also do you think the price to get into the Metro Lounge would be worth it? ALSO also, would I be able to leave my baggage somewhere at Union Station if I decided to go see (or eat) something nearby, or would I be better off carting all my stuff with me? (I will have a suitcase, backpack, messenger bag, and a throw blanket and pillow....)