- Be aware that it's not uncommon for long-distance trains to fall behind schedule, sometimes by several hours or more. If you're traveling to western Montana, your westbound arrival time could easily be pushed back to the middle of the night. If applicable, make sure your hotel can accommodate a possible late arrival. And in any case, don't plan anything too important for the first few hours after you're scheduled to arrive. Hopefully, you'll get lucky and arrive on time, but better safe than sorry.
- I find that it often gets cold on the train at night, and the in-room climate control doesn't always work that well, so I bring extra socks and a sweater that's comfortable for sleeping in. (You can also ask your sleeping car attendant for an extra blanket, but you might not know that you need one until after they've gone to bed.)
- Although Amtrak staff (unlike many restaurant servers) are paid a reasonable wage, gratuities for your sleeping car attendant and dining car staff are accepted and appreciated, especially if they go out of their way to help you at all (for example, by bringing your meals to your room). I make sure to bring an ample supply of small bills for this purpose.
- Long-distance trains are a great way to travel and see America, but they require a good amount of tolerance for the unexpected. There are the aforementioned delays, things in the car that don't work quite right, and inconsistent service in the sleeping cars and dining cars. If you're prepared to take these things in stride, and aren't expecting super-polished luxury travel, you'll be in a better state of mind to have a great time.
- In cases where things do go badly wrong, Amtrak is generous about offering vouchers for future travel in compensation, but you have to know to ask for them. It used to be that you had to call up Customer Relations and ask, but recently I submitted a complaint by email and was awarded an e-voucher without ever having to talk to a live person. You don't have to be a jerk about it - I'll say something like "On my recent trip, I was disappointed in XYZ, and I'm writing to see if I'm eligible for a voucher as compensation for the inconvenience."