Freighttrain derailment South of Klamath Falls (4/29)

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Lead Service Attendant
May 9, 2011
Just got kicked out of southbound Starlight. We will be bussed to Sacramento. Something about a derailed freighttrain. Hopefully nobody got hurt. My kids are sad...
They were trying to shorten the bustitution by having you meet the train in Redding instead. Did they accomplish that?
Yup, it's 0620 now and we are still in Redding. We stayed in the bus and did get some sleep. A bit of speeding on the CA-high-speed-rails and we'll be on time again! As if...
Thanks for the article. We left Redding at about 0700. Only 4.5 hours late, could have been worse...
I wonder if they considered sending the train down the BNSF Gateway Sub to Keddie, then UP over to Sacramento?
Sorry, I drive trains in The Netherlands, but I'm not aware of the names of the subs in the USofA. Left Sacramento at 1036 AM. 4hrs delay, give or take a minute.
I wonder if they considered sending the train down the BNSF Gateway Sub to Keddie, then UP over to Sacramento?
Always a fantastic detour. But I suspect the moving parts are complicated to get approved in a timely fashion. Maybe for 14/11 departing today that would be possible. And since I'll be up along that trackage tomorrow, it would make for a great photo opportunity. :)
We arrived at 0120 hrs. If I'm correct, the derailed train is out of the way and trains are moving again since yesterday afternoon.
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