the_traveler is on the rails again!
I boarded #500 in PDX for a short hop up to KEL (Kelso-Longview, WA) at Union Station. I did this to meet up with jackal (who was coming into town) – and earn 200 AGR points!

I took this segment in coach

, because of the website.
The coach fare (before discount) is $15. The upgrade is $9. What’s the total? :huh: Amtrak.com thinks it should be $30!
#500 departed PDX on time at 8:30 AM, and then arrived in VAN (Vancouver, WA) at 8:50 AM. Somehow it arrived into KEL at 9:32 AM – 14 minutes late!
One theory of this is that jackal reported (when he saw it north of KEL) that #500 had a BNSF motor on it. I assume it departed PDX with it, but all I saw at Union Station was a normal Talgo consist. It had a Talgo motor on the south end, and my coach was in the middle of the train.
It also was reported by jackal that on his run between SEA and KEL, numerous northbound BNSF freights were passed. On my northbound run between PDX and KEL, I do not recall passing any freights.
I boarded #501 in KEL about 9:54 AM – in BC this time – and met jackal. Because I went BC (and received the correct fare), I earned another 300 AGR points!

On the way, we passed numerous freights - all headed northbound. (Why does everyone want to leave Portland?) #501 arrived into VAN at 10:32 AM and arrived PDX around 11:00 AM.
Because jackal had not ridden all the MAX lines end to end, I was “forced” :lol: to ride MAX again! (The things I have to do!) We rode the Yellow Line from downtown out to the Expo Center and back. Then we rode the Blue Line from downtown to Gresham and back and continued to Hillsboro and then back to Beaverton. From there, jackal had to pick up a rental car to meet with a group he was meeting in PDX.
After he got the rental van, we drove back downtown to retrieve his checked baggage at Union Station that he “forgot” to pick up in the morning. (Note: This should be read as “free bag storage”!

Check your bag on the Cascades and pick your bag up at Union Station prior to closing at 8:30 PM!)
I then joined jackal and a group of 8 others for dinner at a brew pub (hic :lol: ) in NW Portland. Upon getting a ride back to the Max stop, I took a Red Line train to be picked up back “home” (wherever that is)!
I may sit still for a week – if I can!
Next installment – the
LONG trip east including Ground Hog Day (Part 20/21 A,B,C)!

Explanation to follow!