From Michigan to Union Station to Blue Line in Chicago

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Sep 14, 2013
HI! I'm asking for some help.

I'll be headed to union station soon. It's my first Amtrak ride, and ride alone.

I'm going to the United Kingdom (that, which I HAVE done alone.)

I'm a bit nervous though. To put it simply, I'm 90lbs, and a pretty tiny girl at 5'2 I often find people helping me out unasked, which is lovely because often I'd need it, but I'm always worried of someone trying to -- well -- you know. Not so nice people.

I want to know, alone, is it safe?

What should I expect?

Do I buy the ticket online, show them it, sit down, and be quiet until I get to my stop?

Will it be direct or will we stop at other stations too? :blush: I'm a newbie to all of this, haha!

I'm excited but a bit scared.

After I get to Union Station I'm going to the Blue Line in Chicago to get to O'hare (I know this isnt amtrak related so feel free to ignore, I dont want to burden anyone :blink: )

Has anyone done that alone? Is it a long walk or am I being paranoid? I've never been to Chicago downtown alone before. I wont get lost as I have a map and it's only a few blocks, but I guess I always find it eerie if its just me and one other person haha :p so awkward! When I walk down the steps of the blue railing, any idea what to do then? Has anyone done this? Gosh! Sorry about all the questions! I have no idea what to expect! :ph34r:

I've googled as much as I can I think.

I'm so nervous! Any advice on both topics would be appreciated. :wub: I'm an adventurous person, just never been on the subway, nor a train before!

Thanks for your advice!
As with any city it is always good to use caution. The walk to the Clinton blue line station (the closest one to Union Station) is only a couple of blocks, but the street can sometimes feel a little empty and creepy, and the station is located under a dimly lit overpass. Additionally, the station itself is not all that busy, making the risk of that one on one enconter somewhat higher, depending on what day and time. An alternative would be to get a taxi from the taxi stand right inside Union Station and ask them to take you to Block 37 which is a shopping center at the corner of State and Randolph. There is a blue line station on the lower level of the building. This is a very busy area and very safe location with plenty of police and security around. You would not have to worry about any awkward encounters with just you and one other person like you might if you walk to the Clinton stop. The taxi fare would probably be about $6 or so. When you get to the blue line station (make sure you are at the right one....there is also a red line station in the same building but they are clearly marked) you will buy a ticket from a machine. There will be an agent on duty in a booth to help if you have any questions. The blue line takes about 45 minutes to get to O'Hare from downtown.
Also, once on the train/subway/El/whatever you want to call it and get on the Blue Line, it does make many other stops, but you can't miss the stop at O'Hare Airport. It is the very last stop on the Blue Line! The line goes no further, it stops underground at the airport but you can reach all the terminals from this station.
Yes, you can buy the ticket online, print out the e-ticket you will be emailed, and show it to the conductor when asked.. And no, you don't have to be quiet, talking is permitted.

The Clinton Blue Line stop is 2 blocks away from Chicago Union Station. You probably already know you want the platform marked O'hare, not Forest Park.

How are you getting to the station in Michigan? Is it safe? Probably no safer than the Clinton Station. Or at least I hope so. Tomorrow my wife and I (both 71) will be coming into CUS on the Blue Line from Forest Park. One nice thing from your standpoint, assuming you have luggage, is it's DOWN to the subway. We'll have to lug our bicycles up the two flights of steps.

By the way, the last time we used Clinton, there was a agent on duty. Also, someone helped my wife carry her bike up the stairs. Not all that creepy.
Dave, I wont lie, your comment scared me ! But I guess thats that. I cant take a taxi as my parents want me to walk it.

Its only a 5 minute walk, I guess. Less if I go quickly I'm sure. I'll be going in mid-morning/afternoon. I dont think it'll be that scary but just in case, I'm always cautious.

My family will be seeing me off at the station in Michigan :) I dont think I'll miss the stop, just worried as I've never ridden the subway.

I've heard a lot of "shady" things, so uughh my head is filled with things.

Once I get to Union I'm on my own from there on out.

Kind of scared but not sure what I'm even afraid of! I'll just zoom and be quick through the walkways to the subway.

I'll have a bit of luggage, so I hope they wont mind that. Nothing too heavy, just clothes and the sort, but still worried - I'll have to lug it up the stairs on the way back from the UK! Though I dont think I could lift such a heavy bike! haha!
The riskiest part of this trip will be after arrival in the UK.

Chicago is quite safe in general, although a lone woman who looks frightened and uncertain might be a magnet for undesirables. Study the map (and Google Street View) in advance so you know what you are doing, and walk like a New Yorker.

I assume you are doing this during the day? In the dark, perhaps you should take a taxi.
An esculator? Nice! I'll be taking advantage of that when the time comes.

Yes, afternoon, probably before noon but after 8am. The sun should be up and about.

I've been to the Uk alone a few times, it was nice, peaceful, people kept to themselves, I've never felt worried. I guess I've never been to Chicago streets before though, a bit worrisome. I wish I could just find out if that area was notiably bad or not.

I've been googling about it and I just keep finding bad things, robbing and all that, scary.
I guess I've never been to Chicago streets before though, a bit worrisome. I wish I could just find out if that area was notiably bad or not.

I've been googling about it and I just keep finding bad things, robbing and all that, scary.
Yes, it may be rough, or not. Likewise, any city can be rough, or not. I'm not female, but I am handicapped, yet I have no problems in that area of Chicago during the day. (Yes there are parts of Chicago, and other cities, that I'm uncomfortable in.)
The Blue Line is fine during the day. It will be full of other travelers and people who work at the airport. If you want to feel very safe, stay with the crowd in the middle of the platform while waiting for the train. When the train starts to pull in (you'll hear it and see the lights), go to the far right of the platform. That will allow you to board the car immediately behind the driver. You can sit right behind the driver, and the front car usually isn't crowded at all since most people board in the middle.

That said, it's sometimes safest to board with the crowd. If you're in a crowded car, it's less likely that anything will happen (not that I think anything will). Personally, I like to sit in the middle with the crowds.

If it makes you feel better, I used to take the Blue Line to/from Logan Square and the Loop when I lived in Chicago. I never felt worried, ever. I've also taken it to/from O'Hare at all hours of the day, and everything was fine. It's really one of the safer trains. Additionally, it's only a true "subway" until it leaves the Loop (downtown). Then, it goes above ground and becomes an "elevated train" with stops at platforms. There is a LOT of visibility. It goes back underground when you get to O'Hare, and the station at O'Hare is brightly lit and heavily populated. There is an elevator nearby, and it is labeled quite clearly so you can figure out how to get to the International Terminal.

Also, you can purchase a fare card for the Blue Line in the same area where you buy Metra tickets (just follow the signs at Union Station). You can purchase fare cards inside the Clinton station too. There are turnstiles just past that. You just put your card in the slot, and it will pop it back out as soon as it reads it (immediately). Then just go through the turnstile and follow the signs for "O'Hare". "Forest Park" will send you in the wrong direction, so make sure you keep following the signs for "O'Hare".
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An esculator? Nice! I'll be taking advantage of that when the time comes.

Yes, afternoon, probably before noon but after 8am. The sun should be up and about.

I've been to the Uk alone a few times, it was nice, peaceful, people kept to themselves, I've never felt worried. I guess I've never been to Chicago streets before though, a bit worrisome. I wish I could just find out if that area was notiably bad or not.

I've been googling about it and I just keep finding bad things, robbing and all that, scary.
If you have been on the Tube in London, the Chicago Blue Line is not that different. You will be fine. The walk from Union station to the Clinton station is not bad in any respect. I'm far from an imposing person physically, have taken that walk many times and never had an issue or felt threatened. I know it's different for a woman, but I'd have no issues if my daughter was going to take the same walk.
Check your departure gate at ORD before you leave home. Most departing international flights leave from the domestic terminals. If you are on United, your flight will likely depart from Terminal 1. American will likely depart from Terminal 3. British Airways departs from the International terminal - Terminal 5. When you get to the Blue Line O'Hare (which is about at Terminal 2), simply follow the signs and moving sidewalks to the correct terminal.

Enjoy your trip - Amtrak, Blue Line and flight!
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I'm not sure what time you'll be in Chicago, but my feeling is that it's safe. All the nasty parts of Chicago that you hear all the ugly stories about are further out, not in the central area. There are always people on the streets at reasonable hours and there's really not much that can go wrong there. The worst thing that ever happend to me on that street was being approached by a beggar, but not at all in an aggressive or threatening way. And if you're not comfortable with talking to such people, the safest strategy is to just keep on walking and avoid talking. Also, despite passing through what might possibly be some not-so-nice neiborhoods (I've never got off there so can't say for sure), the Blue line is surprisingly clean, free of graffiti and I've never seen any antisocial or inappropriate behavior there.
Not only is the Blue Line safe, but because it serves the airport you will find ample room on board to stash your luggage. Just follow common sense and keep an eye on the luggage. It is an interesting 45 minute run to the airport complete with running right down the central reservation of the Kennedy Expressway.
An esculator? Nice! I'll be taking advantage of that when the time comes.

Yes, afternoon, probably before noon but after 8am. The sun should be up and about.

I've been to the Uk alone a few times, it was nice, peaceful, people kept to themselves, I've never felt worried. I guess I've never been to Chicago streets before though, a bit worrisome. I wish I could just find out if that area was notiably bad or not.

I've been googling about it and I just keep finding bad things, robbing and all that, scary.
If you have been on the Tube in London, the Chicago Blue Line is not that different. You will be fine. The walk from Union station to the Clinton station is not bad in any respect. I'm far from an imposing person physically, have taken that walk many times and never had an issue or felt threatened. I know it's different for a woman, but I'd have no issues if my daughter was going to take the same walk.
Check your departure gate at ORD before you leave home. Most departing international flights leave from the domestic terminals. If you are on United, your flight will likely depart from Terminal 1. American will likely depart from Terminal 3. British Airways departs from the International terminal - Terminal 5. When you get to the Blue Line O'Hare (which is about at Terminal 2), simply follow the signs and moving sidewalks to the correct terminal.

Enjoy your trip - Amtrak, Blue Line and flight!

I have never been in the tube though I have thought of it.

I have been on a subway once before, but that was with my boyfriend in Glasgow last January. I didn't feel scared as I was not alone - it was a fun experience!

Gosh I hope this experience is fun too!

I guess I'm excited, not too scared - pretty nervous though -- anything could happen! My parents are good at filling my head with ideas. :help:

I'm not sure what time you'll be in Chicago, but my feeling is that it's safe. All the nasty parts of Chicago that you hear all the ugly stories about are further out, not in the central area. There are always people on the streets at reasonable hours and there's really not much that can go wrong there. The worst thing that ever happend to me on that street was being approached by a beggar, but not at all in an aggressive or threatening way. And if you're not comfortable with talking to such people, the safest strategy is to just keep on walking and avoid talking. Also, despite passing through what might possibly be some not-so-nice neiborhoods (I've never got off there so can't say for sure), the Blue line is surprisingly clean, free of graffiti and I've never seen any antisocial or inappropriate behavior there.
I hope you're right, your comment reassured me in a few areas ^_^

It's a very short walk so I wont be too scared but if I panic I can always run I guess ahaha. People will just think I'm running to catch a train!

Not only is the Blue Line safe, but because it serves the airport you will find ample room on board to stash your luggage. Just follow common sense and keep an eye on the luggage. It is an interesting 45 minute run to the airport complete with running right down the central reservation of the Kennedy Expressway.
Of course - thanks for the advice, I will always keep everything close and hidden on me. I'll have to get a goodnight's sleep.

I'd never want to flash important things or look too easy - and thats anywhere I go!

Is it true riding the front of the subway train/car is better than the back? I personally think I'd feel better if no one else was in the car with me but I dont mind others - as long as they're not troublesome.

My father said the cars are unsafe because of the homeless, but I think thats silly, they're just trying to get out of the cold/rain etc.,

Anyone have any tips?

Also, on the Amtrak trains, am I allowed to bring my luggage and the sort? Maybe a snack or do I have to leave snacks off/buy them on the train?

I'm not sure how this works haha :blush: Thanks anyone who answers. I only have one bag - a school bag of clothing usually. can I bring snack and drinks?

Maybe a bag of crisps and a sprite if available hehe.
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If you are concerned about personal safety, it would be better to ride in the central cars (with more people) than to sit by yourself in one of the empty cars near either end of the train. That can potentially make you a target, and there won't be anyone around if you need help.

PLEASE do not let that scare you, though. As I said, I have never, ever had any issues in all of my years riding the CTA, and I've been on sketchier stretches of lines than the Blue Line to O'Hare (which is quite safe). It's simply friendly advice from one woman to another. :)

If you're in the middle cars, there's a very good chance you'll be surrounded by other travelers and airport employees. It really is one of the nicer lines, and it's fun to travel along the middle of the expressway, especially when the traffic is backed up and you get to think "nyah nyah" while you keep moving. ;)

Don't let your parents scare you. It's natural for them to freak out and worry about you, but don't let that override your own thoughts. I know a big, strange city can be overwhelming, but you will be okay. There are a TON of people around Union Station in the middle of the day, and lots of them will be walking to/from the Blue Line. Just follow the herd. :)
Sarah, thanks! (Are you really from Kalamazoo? :p Same here!

I dont live there anymore but I used to for 18 years.)

I hope riding the subway is fun, I've never done it for an hour trip before. Okay, about 45 minutes, but still! Still so interesting!

You guys are helping me quite a bit! I get more and more excited each day! Not only for my trip but just fro the chance to be an adult! (I'm just turned 20 and my parents are quite strict, I was never allowed to go anywhere until I started travelling to other countries to get away. :p )

I'm still worried about that walk alone on the streets in the morning, but I'm not gonna let that scare me...too much! :ph34r:

Does anyone have a tip on that? If not I'll google ways to keep my mind off it, perhaps if I bring my ipod?
Yes, I live in Kalamazoo. :)

Do you know how to use Google Street View? If so, move the little guy so he's at Union Station where you'll exit to walk to the Blue Line, and then "walk" him along the street by clicking ahead of him on the street. It'll keep moving you along the street so you can see exactly where you're going and what it looks like.

And like I said, you won't be "alone". There will be a lot of people in that area around Union Station, mostly tourists like yourself, so you'll be in a herd of people. :) If you are too scared to walk to the Clinton stop, you can get a cab outside Union Station and ask them to drive you to either the Clinton stop or the State St stop (which will have a bazillion more people and lots of cool stores around it). You can also board the #126 bus to go to the Clinton stop. You'd only be on the bus for a minute, but if you're really scared of walking, it's an option.

What day are you traveling? I'm going to Chicago a few times over the next couple of months, and I'd be happy to walk with you if we're going to arrive at Union Station at the same time.
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December, however sadly a date is not yet picked - it will be, though.

Also, really?

I was told that street is very deserted! It sounded so scary the way people had been telling me.

Wandering a street alone in an unknown city, gosh!

But I'm just overreacting really.

I'm more than excited to go, heck, I'm excited right now! (I hope that excitement lasts!)
I'm not a woman, and I know safety issues are different for women than for men. (No I'm not condescending, and if so I apologize!) But here are a few common sense things, for both women and men, both on Amtrak and in cities.

Keep any valuables with you. (Things like purses, computers, cameras, etc...) On Amtrak, I have no problem keeping my luggage at my seat in the overhead rack or on Superliners, in the lower level rack. But I still keep my valuables with me.

In Chicago, know where you're going ahead of time and keep going. Do not stop mid block and (say) look at your GPS, and say "Look at me, I'm a tourist!" You could ask someone where the Blue Line station is, but act like you live there.

As many of us have said, that area is safe during the afternoon.
December, however sadly a date is not yet picked - it will be, though.

Also, really?

I was told that street is very deserted! It sounded so scary the way people had been telling me.

Wandering a street alone in an unknown city, gosh!

But I'm just overreacting really.

I'm more than excited to go, heck, I'm excited right now! (I hope that excitement lasts!)
Well, let me know once you get a date. I'm going to Chicago a couple of times during December (weekends), and I'd be happy to meet you and walk with you. Safety in numbers and all that. My boyfriend and I will both be there on 12/21, and he has long hair and a motorcycle jacket. Nobody messes with him. ;)

Clinton is deserted-ish along that walk, but it's not scary-deserted. It's just that there aren't a lot of storefronts, so it doesn't get a lot of pedestrian traffic. There's still quite a bit of car traffic. It's only a couple blocks from the station, though, and since you're traveling during daylight (I assume), it's pretty safe.

My parents were really strict too, so I started traveling as soon as I graduated and moved out. :) My mother still has a heart attack when I talk about going to any city that isn't Small Town, MI, but I just tell her she watches too much "CSI". ;) I love Chicago, and we're probably going to move there next summer. It really is a great city.

My feeling is that if anyone looks for negatives they will find some. I tend to assume that folk are good unless they prove otherwise. It seems important that we not just assume that folk we don't know are a danger to us.

I have walked for miles in Chicago and taken that walk to and from Clinton to Union station many times, entirely without incident. I exited Union station onto Clinton without having to use any stairs or escalator, from the cornerof the great hall directly. Try not to worry, you will be fine... mole hills are in reality just mole hills, even if they feel like mountains!

I found this fun video featuring union station... dunno if it has been posted already:

(If you need any info on the UK I might be the person to ask, as I live here!)

Ed :cool:
I hope you're right, your comment reassured me in a few areas ^_^

It's a very short walk so I wont be too scared but if I panic I can always run I guess ahaha. People will just think I'm running to catch a train!
I don't think it'll need to come to that. You'll be fine. I've done it many times alone and even at night and actually, to be quite honest, Chicago is one of those places that I just like even though I can find no rational explanation for liking it more than other similar-looking cities. I just feel at ease there. I hope you will too.

Of course - thanks for the advice, I will always keep everything close and hidden on me. I'll have to get a goodnight's sleep.

I'd never want to flash important things or look too easy - and thats anywhere I go!
I always keep things uch as valuables, my passport, tickets etc in inside pockets where pick-pockets will have more difficulty getting at them. I keep cash in several different places to reduce the risk of losing it all, even if somebody sees me handle it. I try to keep my total number of luggage items as small as possible so I don't lose track of where my stuff is (normally a small backpack plus a trolley for longer trips, or just a big backpack for shorter trips - the latter means I have both hands free).

Is it true riding the front of the subway train/car is better than the back? I personally think I'd feel better if no one else was in the car with me but I dont mind others - as long as they're not troublesome.

My father said the cars are unsafe because of the homeless, but I think thats silly, they're just trying to get out of the cold/rain etc.,
I belive his advice is a bit out of date, as the homeless have virtually vanished off the subways as it is now virtually impossible to get in without a ticket. Also, security has got stricter than it used to be. I haven't seen a single homeless person inside the subway for many years.

One advanatge of sitting near the front of the Blue Line train is that you won't have to walk as far at the O'Hare end as the station exit is by the front of the train. From there it is just a short walk to the people-mover that takes you between the terminals. Some of the terminals are also within walkabale distance.
December, however sadly a date is not yet picked - it will be, though.

Also, really?

I was told that street is very deserted! It sounded so scary the way people had been telling me.

Wandering a street alone in an unknown city, gosh!

But I'm just overreacting really.

I'm more than excited to go, heck, I'm excited right now! (I hope that excitement lasts!)
The walk to Clinton is not spooky or scary during the day. It is downtown of a major city.
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