Finally found a Metro station to buy them. Found out that stored value can only be added in preset amounts or in $1 increments. Also experienced one “interesting” person on the bus to LA. Other than that it was fine.
I would think the best bet would be at the machines at entrance to the L (Gold) Line at tracks 1/2.
The TVMs for the B/D Lines are on the underground mezzanine.
However, I do think they sell the cards onboard most buses.
So I'm kind of worried that my online purchases to my registered TAP cards won't transfer as soon as I tag them on the bus. I've done a little bit of research, and there are claims that checking the balance at one of the TAP vending machines is the most reliable way to transfer passes and stored value. It didn't work the last time we were waiting at Union Station, but I'm thinking maybe if there is that normal 25 minute stop we can go out and then make sure that they transfer before getting back on the train.
So I'm making another trip but I'm not passing through Union Station (it's going to be San Joaquins + a thruway bus) before I board LA Metro. I contacted the TAP/Metro service center and was told that if I buy a pass online (I have my card registered) it should work as long as I give it at least an hour. I suppose the bus fare machines all communicate regularly with the server to update new passes and stored value. Last time I was so freaked out about it that I got off at Union Station to make sure that the passes were added to our cards by tagging it at a TAP vending machine.
I also have my kid's card with a little bit of stored value on it. Since we don't live in the area my kid isn't eligible for one of those discount/free TAP cards that have to go through a school. I was told it's fine for me (or I suppose any adult) to use it since there's nothing any different about it than what most people would use.
Rode again and I’m not what happened, but there’s a Metro employee at the front of the bus (not the driver) and he said that he saw the fare box load a day pass. I think it might have also refunded any previously expended stored value.