Big Green Chauvanist
Service Attendant
I was "upgraded"--I call it an upgrade, on the EB recently. I had room 13 and was sandwiched in between an extended Amish family. The SCA kindly offered me use of the "handicapped" roomette as it was empty and not expected to be used for the duration of the trip. And if by chance it were to be, I'd need to vacate. I think it's got to be even better than a bedroom since there are windows on both sides and comes equipped with a toilet. And of course the shower is steps away. I assume this was an exception. In other words, the "handicapped" roomette can never be booked by an able-bodied person, correct, even when not otherwise occupied? And only in cases like mine would it be offered to an able-bodied person at all, as an upgrade for someone already in another roomette in the same car? In any event I appreciated the gesture and it was great to have my own "facilities". By the way, the SCA was the best I have ever had--one Zachary, young kid, very helpful and far from being jaded.