They're all ex-Budd Sleepers with the Bedrooms removed, and maybe even a roomette or two (forget exactly). The toilets are sealed up in the roomettes because of EPA regulations that forbade direct dumping of waste, which was how the cars were built. There are I believe two restrooms in the middle of the car between the roomettes and the "lounge" and one shower. The "lounge" in the cars is merely an empty room in place of the old bedrooms. The only car with an actual lounge was prototype #2500 Pine Brook, which has hard plastic chairs in the room. Initially, the lounges in all of the cars were going to be for smoking, but because it was very ineffective, and unhealthy, it was only built in the one car, and some Amfleet II Lounges were refurbed (would have also meant coaches would have to be run behind the dorm or smokers go through the sleepers first). Also, I believe there was also a noise problem with 2500 where no other heritage cars recieved the lounge.
Now however, the smoking ban means an end to the smoking rooms, my manifests even mention that smoking is also prohibited in the dorms, so crews now have to wait like everyone else if they want to smoke.
If you click the link in my signature to my website, I have pictures of some of the dorms, and the one car with the lounge in it (pics of the room as well).