Amtrak has had inconsistent customer service since its inception in May of 1971. As someone who has ridden its trains through the 70's, 80's, 90's and up to today, I feel I can state that quality customer service is something Amtrak has never been able to consistently deliver. But why?
This is just my OPINION. When Amtrak was founded, two of the primary hubs were (and continue to this day) to be New York and Chicago. At the time both locations were primarily operated by the Penn Central (PC). Penn Station and Sunnyside Yard in New York, and Union Station (partial owner) and 18th Street Yard in Chicago. As anyone who is old enough to remember, PC did not have a good reputation regarding passenger service (outside of the Metroliners). I have always felt that this "Penn Central" mentality made its way into Amtrak at the beginning, and every Amtrak administration up to today, has not been able to change it. Granted, there have been many other factors that have played into the way Amtrak is today, but I have always wondered if say the Santa Fe or SCL were the dominant carrier in Amtrak's founding, would we be having this conversation today? Please feel free to express your opinions.