It's cherrypicking. Try any other 17-year period. Try any 20-year period. Try any 50-year period. Enjoy looking at the warming trend.
It's simply the number of years from now until the last time it was warming. That just happens to be seventeen. Next year will probably be 18, then the year after will be 19 or the line might show the start of a cooling trend.
Look, I studied statistics. You obviously didn't. Cherrypicking your time period is actually listed in _How to Lie With Statistics_ as one of the standard methods of lying.
Uh, I'm sorry, I did, and I also studied calculus, which you obviously didn't. If you had, you would have known that the slope of the line is equivalent to a straight line tangent to the data line. So on a cyclical graph such as that of a sine wave, which is the trend that Earth's global temperature has followed, there is a point where the slope levels off, then goes negative. These past 17 years just happen to be when we've reached a peak, and are leveling off and will probably go negative again as much of the global warming folks' own data shows.
If you studied statistics as you also claim, you would have an understanding of sample size and how to interpret it. It is clear by your postings that you do not. Given a cyclical dataset, you could draw a trendline across the entirety of it and claim the Earth's temperature has remained steady and never increased or decreased. Likewise if you took a tiny sample of data at one of the peaks, you would also see a steady trend. If you took a tiny sample at one 0 point (assuming a true sine function) you'd see a rapid warming trend, then if you took a sample at another 0 point, you'd see a rapid cooling trend.
You can bet the people who published that 17-year number tried every single other time period they could think of, until they got one which gave them the result they wanted.
As I said before, they simply watched the data as it accumulated and noticed the slope getting shallower and shallower. If you actually looked at the data (which you obviously didn't), you would see that the right-hand side begins with the most recent data, and extends to the left as it goes back in time.
And apparently their scam worked on you. Because you are a fool. The sort of easily-scammed fool who makes life easy for con artists.
When people starting flinging baseless personal attacks, that's usually a sign that they know they've lost, or at least can't bring any good information so have to resort to such tactics.
No you don't. Now that I know you're a fool, I'm guessing you've been fooled by another classic scam.
There are a bunch of people who ARE NOT climate scientists who are being promoted by the fossil fuel industry, who pretends that they are climate scientists. You've presumably been fooled by this.
Or you might have been fooled by mispresentation of people's statements; there are a number of climate scientists who are quite certain that humans are causing global warming, but have been deliberately misquoted in various places.
So go prove it then. Just claiming "all the scientists say this" isn't proof. Go look at a lot of the "deniers" and find out where they're coming from. Until you do, you are just as bad as what you are accusing I and other "deniers" of. Yes, I don't deny that a lot are oil company shills, but frankly, that's no worse than the shills from the solar panel companies, or wind turbine companies, or any of these other companies that will profit off global warming. But there are many scientists who have no stake in the game, that are calling out the global warming folks.
GAH! Something's wrong with the quotes, the board is interpreting the quote tags weirdly. Fortunately, things still mostly line up, just everything above is inside one giant quote tag that says "neroden."