Personally, I don't really get this argument. The high cost of the processing fees get passed on to the consumer by the merchants through higher prices. So you are paying that extra 2-5% on everything you buy whether you use cash, check, or the AGR mastercard. I would rather use a credit card that gives me AGR points or cash back, since we are all having those costs passed on to us regardless of how we pay for things.
Perhaps I'm just not explaining it very well. Banks like Chase were bailed out to the tune of
hundreds of billions of our taxpayer dollars. And for what? So you and I can get a free ride on Amtrak after we save up enough kickback points? Doesn't seem like a good deal to me at all. America could have the world's largest and most advanced HSR network for that kind of money and put a lot more people to work than banks like Chase ever would. I'd rather a seller that was
not bailed out get that 2-5% premium than to see
any of it go to a bank like Chase. Maybe if enough of us refused to play the credit card kickback game these banks would eventually shrink to a size that was no longer "too big to fail" and could be allowed to suffer the consequences of their own mistakes.