I had thought I've seen everything

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I don't mind the video, but I do mind some of the language he used in his posts. I don't blame him for being upset, but he needs to learn how to convey his message without the language.
Marc, it is just the fact that this is a very cool group with lots of ladies and young people viewing these posts. Many senior folks also that were raised in a "non cuss word society". We disagree and debate, but I can honestly say in the four years I have been a member I have never read anyone using those atrocities of the human language, as you call them. We stay within polite limits and never go beyond. One does not need explicative language to promote their cause. I think if you would have dropped the F bomb you would have been tossed out on your rear. I suspect your going to read lots of grief over this.

I was being sarcastic. Look I understand that many people on here are good & kind. But this being my first visit to this website & seeing what people had said about me didn't lead me not to believe so. Yeah so people saying I'm a moron & idiot is part of good group of people? I don't think so. And I used the term "atrocities of the human language" because in my mind I didn't go over the line. It just seemed an issue with you. I was rather polite in what I said. I could've taken it much further. But I didn't. So yes I did get a bit angry. But scroll up & see just why. All I did was make a simple video showing what I did. Having in mind other people traveling in the same frame of mind as I. So then because of that I get all these jerkoffs coming taking low shots at me because I made this video? That doesn't sound very polite & cool at all. In thus why I used "explicative language" & such. Because people like that shouldn't deserve any nice words from me. And if people want grief, they can look for themselves what those idiots said, how they disrespected me. And they can understand for them selves why I said these things. And if they don't, oh well. Not my problem.
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With all respect to Marc.. We all are entitled to opinions. Yet again I will state see my signature which states that my posts are my views and opinions... I'm not saying they are facts. But in my OPINION, This video is just weird..

But please respect our chat room. I didn't see your post with from what others are saying extreme language, we do get into arguments on Amtrak Unlimited. But please don't ruin one topic because your hot headed. I'll be honest I've lost my cool on here a few times. But we move on and get along again. I consider AU a family that grows everyday. :)
I enjoy all Amtrak you tubes. Thanks Mark! Let's see all the other posters videos. Here's one I made. It's lame, i know, but it's all mine. [ducks for haters]

Last year on the Texas Eagle, good times.

I think it is nice that you were trying to be helpful to others and am not sure why others reacted so strongly to your video. As has been said, if they didn't like it they could stop watching it and move on to something of more interest.

Happy rails.

And while I think that Marc could have been nicer, I might be a little cross too if I were to come across a bunch of people saying the things that were said upthread.
With all respect to Marc.. We all are entitled to opinions. Yet again I will state see my signature which states that my posts are my views and opinions... I'm not saying they are facts. But in my OPINION, This video is just weird..

But please respect our chat room. I didn't see your post with from what others are saying extreme language, we do get into arguments on Amtrak Unlimited. But please don't ruin one topic because your hot headed. I'll be honest I've lost my cool on here a few times. But we move on and get along again. I consider AU a family that grows everyday. :)
Well, I respect your opinion. But I didn't say any extreme language, all I said was "********" was pretty much the worst of it. I'm terribly sorry that utterly disturbed you guys... But if someone was taking cheap shots at you then I'd bet you'd get a little ticked off. I wasn't trying to argue with anyone, I was just defending my video & why I posted it. I never meant to offend anyone. I'm not a hot head, all I did was share what I felt. A family doesn't take cheap shots just because you post a video like mine. Look what some of the people have said. Pretty disrespectful for being a "family."
With all respect to Marc.. We all are entitled to opinions. Yet again I will state see my signature which states that my posts are my views and opinions... I'm not saying they are facts. But in my OPINION, This video is just weird..

But please respect our chat room. I didn't see your post with from what others are saying extreme language, we do get into arguments on Amtrak Unlimited. But please don't ruin one topic because your hot headed. I'll be honest I've lost my cool on here a few times. But we move on and get along again. I consider AU a family that grows everyday. :)
Well, I respect your opinion. But I didn't say any extreme language, all I said was "********" was pretty much the worst of it. I'm terribly sorry that utterly disturbed you guys... But if someone was taking cheap shots at you then I'd bet you'd get a little ticked off. I wasn't trying to argue with anyone, I was just defending my video & why I posted it. I never meant to offend anyone. I'm not a hot head, all I did was share what I felt. A family doesn't take cheap shots just because you post a video like mine. Look what some of the people have said. Pretty disrespectful for being a "family."
There's ways to do things and the way you've done it isn't it. We're not taking cheap shots. We're expressing our views and opinions.

I'm not saying anything else. I've said enough.
Simple solution to the light/curtain problem: duct tape!! Never leave home without it!!
So you're the one screwing up the interiors with the adhesive from duck tape?
The simpler solution is to sleep in the upper berth.

It was a pretty crappy video, however. The guy just doesn't have the knack of narration.
Yep, that's me! I confess. :( But now I use gaffer's tape. It's duct tape without the residue. :)
Well, duck tape with a synthetic-based adhesive, rather than natural. It still can leave residue; just less of it.
It also tends to be a bit pricier....
With all respect to Marc.. We all are entitled to opinions. Yet again I will state see my signature which states that my posts are my views and opinions... I'm not saying they are facts. But in my OPINION, This video is just weird..

But please respect our chat room. I didn't see your post with from what others are saying extreme language, we do get into arguments on Amtrak Unlimited. But please don't ruin one topic because your hot headed. I'll be honest I've lost my cool on here a few times. But we move on and get along again. I consider AU a family that grows everyday. :)
Well, I respect your opinion. But I didn't say any extreme language, all I said was "********" was pretty much the worst of it. I'm terribly sorry that utterly disturbed you guys... But if someone was taking cheap shots at you then I'd bet you'd get a little ticked off. I wasn't trying to argue with anyone, I was just defending my video & why I posted it. I never meant to offend anyone. I'm not a hot head, all I did was share what I felt. A family doesn't take cheap shots just because you post a video like mine. Look what some of the people have said. Pretty disrespectful for being a "family."
There's ways to do things and the way you've done it isn't it. We're not taking cheap shots. We're expressing our views and opinions.

I'm not saying anything else. I've said enough.
So calling me a moron is an opinion? I don't think that was the right thing to do either, so I think you're quite a hypocrite. You first bash me after linking my video, then say I'm being a hot head. What exactly made me a moron? I would like to know. Just because "you" think the video is "wacky" doesn't give the right to call my intelligence into question. And have you ever been on a train? If not, then you shouldn't even talk. I did this for a REASON. Until you go on a train & experience how sucky the shades are for yourself, be quiet, you have no right to talk. If you did, then you should already know and not think it being a "wacky" idea.
All I can think is "some people will do anything for a video to upload". I rode in that exact roomette with perfectly adequate darkness wihout a tenth the effort.
All I can think is "some people will do anything for a video to upload". I rode in that exact roomette with perfectly adequate darkness wihout a tenth the effort.
Well that's just dandy for you getting a good night's sleep. I still went though the effort so why look down upon me for what I did? Nothing I did was outlandish & it only took me 10 minutes to guarantee a good night of rest. I did nothing outlandish or crazy, all I did was block out the windows. And I uploaded it to relate to the people that watch my videos. Because it showed that I was on this train, this is what I did. I never uploaded just to get views. And if you really do think "some people will do anything for a video to upload" go search trainsandhawksfan on Youtube. That kid nearly creams his pants yelling & screaming just to make a funny video. So watch that & then rethink on what I did. It won't seem so crazy after all.
And have you ever been on a train? If not, then you shouldn't even talk. I did this for a REASON. Until you go on a train & experience how sucky the shades are for yourself, be quiet, you have no right to talk. If you did, then you should already know and not think it being a "wacky" idea.
You keep saying this, I'm not quite sure that you understand that this is a forum of rail fans that take the train on a somewhat excessive basis. Most of the regulars have tens of thousands of miles (if not more) on Amtrak, so suggesting that we've never been on a train before just makes you look silly.

Yes you were treated poorly by some. Two wrongs don't make a right.
I've got a better solution to all of the problems mentioned in this thread. Amtrak can get their act together and keep their sleeping cars in a state of good repair so that first class passengers paying exorbant fares don't have to carry supplies to make repairs in their expensive "first class" rooms! What a novel concept! I've experienced all of these problems in Amtrak sleepers -- unresponsive climate controls, rattling, useless curtains on the inside and outside walls, etc. I never had these problems on a VIA Rail or Deutsche Bahn City Night Line train, only Amtrak. Heaven forbid Amtrak should try to do something that works for others -- like using shades that were on heritage cars. But then again, that would make sense, so I'm asking too much.
With all respect to Marc.. We all are entitled to opinions. Yet again I will state see my signature which states that my posts are my views and opinions... I'm not saying they are facts. But in my OPINION, This video is just weird..

But please respect our chat room. I didn't see your post with from what others are saying extreme language, we do get into arguments on Amtrak Unlimited. But please don't ruin one topic because your hot headed. I'll be honest I've lost my cool on here a few times. But we move on and get along again. I consider AU a family that grows everyday. :)
Well, I respect your opinion. But I didn't say any extreme language, all I said was "********" was pretty much the worst of it. I'm terribly sorry that utterly disturbed you guys... But if someone was taking cheap shots at you then I'd bet you'd get a little ticked off. I wasn't trying to argue with anyone, I was just defending my video & why I posted it. I never meant to offend anyone. I'm not a hot head, all I did was share what I felt. A family doesn't take cheap shots just because you post a video like mine. Look what some of the people have said. Pretty disrespectful for being a "family."
Well I checked the dates and you posted the video the day BEFORE you joined this group, "family". Acela150 posted his remarks the day BEFORE you joined the group. I don't think you have a right to criticize that posting on the basis of being part of a "family", since you were not.
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I don't mind the video, but I do mind some of the language he used in his posts. I don't blame him for being upset, but he needs to learn how to convey his message without the language.
Marc, it is just the fact that this is a very cool group with lots of ladies and young people viewing these posts. Many senior folks also that were raised in a "non cuss word society". We disagree and debate, but I can honestly say in the four years I have been a member I have never read anyone using those atrocities of the human language, as you call them. We stay within polite limits and never go beyond. One does not need explicative language to promote their cause. I think if you would have dropped the F bomb you would have been tossed out on your rear. I suspect your going to read lots of grief over this.
The above is so incredibly offensive. As a lady, I don't need anyone to protect my ears or eyes from curse words. I don't need to be treated like a child or handled with special gloves. And that is my opinion.

Frankly, I thought what acela150 did was straight up cyber bullying by posting a link to a video here and then asking all of us to make fun of it. I don't blame Mark for coming over here to defend himself at all, and I actually think the information he was trying to convey is useful. As I posted originally, like Mark, I can't sleep unless it is 100% dark out. I am glad that some of you are gifted enough to sleep with light in your face, but to insinuate that we are not "true rail fans" because we need darkness to sleep is insulting and offensive. Sure, that might be your opinion, but you need to recognize that your opinion is offensive to others.
I'll say this.. I am sorry that I posted this. I didn't mean to offend anyone. I'm not trying to get anyone to agree with me. If that's what it seems then ok. This is turning into a big fight and I'm sorry that I started this. I'm sorry that I messed up. Bottom line. Think what you want of me. Make fun of, do your best. But I'm sorry.
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