Marc, it is just the fact that this is a very cool group with lots of ladies and young people viewing these posts. Many senior folks also that were raised in a "non cuss word society". We disagree and debate, but I can honestly say in the four years I have been a member I have never read anyone using those atrocities of the human language, as you call them. We stay within polite limits and never go beyond. One does not need explicative language to promote their cause. I think if you would have dropped the F bomb you would have been tossed out on your rear. I suspect your going to read lots of grief over this.I don't mind the video, but I do mind some of the language he used in his posts. I don't blame him for being upset, but he needs to learn how to convey his message without the language.
I was being sarcastic. Look I understand that many people on here are good & kind. But this being my first visit to this website & seeing what people had said about me didn't lead me not to believe so. Yeah so people saying I'm a moron & idiot is part of good group of people? I don't think so. And I used the term "atrocities of the human language" because in my mind I didn't go over the line. It just seemed an issue with you. I was rather polite in what I said. I could've taken it much further. But I didn't. So yes I did get a bit angry. But scroll up & see just why. All I did was make a simple video showing what I did. Having in mind other people traveling in the same frame of mind as I. So then because of that I get all these jerkoffs coming taking low shots at me because I made this video? That doesn't sound very polite & cool at all. In thus why I used "explicative language" & such. Because people like that shouldn't deserve any nice words from me. And if people want grief, they can look for themselves what those idiots said, how they disrespected me. And they can understand for them selves why I said these things. And if they don't, oh well. Not my problem.
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