Inherited train that has been altered

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Dan O

Feb 21, 2008
So Calif

I inherited a nice Lionel train (nice at one point anyway) but it has been altered quite a bit. The engine appears to be original but the tender has a RR painted on the side that was used in a diorama. The rest of the cars, 3 that were flat cars, have been altered considerably. Flat cars have had sides added to them, made of thin wood so as to appear as troop trains. There are a few holes in the sides for the soldiers to look out and shoot out of. The fourth car was a box car but it has been cut away quite a bit to look like the other troop cars. So do you think anyone would want to pay anything for these altered/painted cars? Or are they completely worthless? 

No matter what we say, someone could surprise you either way. If you don't want to hang on to them, put them up on eBay or Craigslist or similar and set a price. If you sell them, great. If not, donate them to the Salvation Army or similar and let them sell them. Or take them to the local auction house and see if there's an interested bidder.

I'm really not meaning to sound short, but without talking to everyone out there, I can't tell if anyone is interested or how much they might be willing to pay.
At the end of the day, even if the cars are worthless, somebody may still want the trucks and things for spares or for a scratchbuilding project.

My experience in model railroading is that nothing is truly worthless.

But that said, just because something isn't original doesn't mean its not nice. Of course one has to distinguish between something made by a kid with a hacksaw and something made by an experienced modeller. But I see weathered and modified cars and locos being sold on Ebay and the like all the time and fetching good prices.
I have a Lionel O Gauge from the mid-1950's with the cars in their original boxes.  (I underlined what I typed because I found that their worth increases if the original boxes exist.)    I don't recall accurately what the train set and some related railroad structures (i.e. a station) and track ( not in the best condition) are worth today.  But, I am sure it is worth more than what my Grandfather paid when he bought it and set-it up for me.  (Don't ask if tempted.  It's not for sale.  It is my only link to my Grandfather left.)

I would agree that trying to sell your items on e-Bay or Craigslist is a good idea.  Just giving them to a charitable organization to sell:  Humm.  What happens to the items if they don't sell?  I'd hate to think that they will end up in the scrapyard somewhere.

Thanks. The first two and last two are flat cars, or were at one time. the middle two pics are a box car that has been cut up quite a bit. 

This is O scale.

I also inherited some toy soldiers, some in orginal condition and some altered quite a bit. Any alteration decreased the value on ebay by about 70-80% vs those in original condition.  That was 3 years ago and I really didn't want to toss them if someone would take them at very little cost. Someone did. The trains don't have the same attachment factor so if they are worth say $1 or $2, I'd just toss them.


Nov 180.JPG

Nov 183.JPG

Nov 187.JPG

Nov 188.JPG

Nov 190.JPG

Nov 194.JPG
Dan O,

Thanks for the pictures.  I see what you mean about the cars being "cut up".  Personally, I would not be interested in buying such items.  But, there could be someone who might be.
Dan O,

Thanks for the pictures.  I see what you mean about the cars being "cut up".  Personally, I would not be interested in buying such items.  But, there could be someone who might be.
Agreed. There very well could be someone out there who wants them, but a bunch of scuffed up, roofless, plastic train cars probably won't fetch much.  :unsure:
Agreed. There very well could be someone out there who wants them, but a bunch of scuffed up, roofless, plastic train cars probably won't fetch much.  :unsure:
 I put them on ebay for a low price. I would just give them away if someone wanted them but I understand hardly anyone would. 

Thanks again,

I don't think they are that old. My dad did this work maybe 20-30 years ago so I assume he just bought whatever was available at that time. Could be as recent as 15 years ago but not any more than that. 
I have some 30+ year old Kato N-Gauge Unitrack that isn't in great shape. I posted a listing in eBay being 100% honest and had a starting price of $5 to cover shipping and eBay and PayPal fees. Bidding had gone wild as it is now up to $6!

In other words, you could throw your stuff away or essentially give it away without loss to someone who will appreciate it.
I put it on ebay and no bites yet. I put an old rusty truck on there for $8 and it went for $60 or thereabouts. Just happened to be one that folks liked. Also, had a bulldozer on there for $6. No bites. Raised it to $20 and someone offered me $15 the next day. Had they looked a day earlier we both would have been happy it sold at $6. 