I tried to book a trip from Del Rio to Chi wed. afternoon. This particular trip starts on a tuesday(purposely) so I get routed from DRT to LAX on the SL. LAX to PDX on the CS, and PDX to CHI on the EB. I had booked this exact trip earlier in the year as a 2 zone AGR award, but had to cancel. When I called Wed, the agent put me on hold, then came back and said it would have to be redeemed as 2, 2 zone awards because I could only get to PDX as one 2 zone award, as soon as I started to head back east to Chi I would have to use another 2 zone award. I told the agent I didn't want to do this, and thanked him for his time, and wished him a happy Thanksgiving. Being a good AU'er I knew just what to do, I called back later that evening and talked to another agent and tried again, I was put on hold for a moment. When he came back he said " This will have to be two 2 zone awards, and you were warned about that earlier". Man I felt like i got caught with my hand in the cookie jar. I wanted to hang up and try again another day, but since I had "already been warned" I didn't want to get on the AGR blacklist :blink: So I just booked a 2 zone from FTW to Sea and asked for and got bedroom E on all 3 trains. I'll just wait and try again in June when the days are longer h34r: