Is Crescent getting Traditional Dining back this year?

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Wendell Harris

but I see no recent information. Is there no news? Bad news? We're taking a trip in a roomette in November on the Crescent.
but I see no recent information. Is there no news? Bad news? We're taking a trip in a roomette in November on the Crescent.
I don't believe there has been any further news. I would also not believe any generalized statement coming from Amtrak. If they announced a specific Month, day and year that traditional dining was to be restored, I might put more faith (but certainly no money) on that.

In the Fall of 2023, persons who claimed to have inside information from Amtrak posted that traditional dining would be restored to the Lake Shore in late 2023 or by the Spring of 2024. We are still waiting.
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Well, it got its Viewliner diner back in that time frame at least. Though it is serving Flex-with-a-flower.
I didn't realize the Viewliner diner on the Lake Shore ever went away. I thought it continued to serve flex meals all along. However I have been successfully avoiding the Lake Shore for several years so I may not have kept up to date on what type of car the flex meals were being served in.
I didn't realize the Viewliner diner on the Lake Shore ever went away. I thought it continued to serve flex meals all along. However I have been successfully avoiding the Lake Shore for several years so I may not have kept up to date on what type of car the flex meals were being served in.
My mistake, I was referring to the train in the thread title, the Crescent, not the Lake Shore in that previous post. Should have made that clearer.

You are correct, the Lake Shore never lost its Viewliner diner, though it, too, is Flex-with-a-flower.

And will be for at least the near term. I kind of think they introduced Flex-with-a-flower as an "improvement" when they realized they didn't have the budget to change to traditional. They added the flower and official Amtrak plastic plates in that time frame.
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