I've been accused of stalking

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OBS Chief
Jan 11, 2009
Redondo Beach, CA
My better half who doesn't get trains saw me logging the on time status of Sunset Limited. I have created an Excel spreadsheet to keep a daily log of on time status into NOL and LAX until my trip in June. I was accused of stalking...I asked them how do you stalk a train.

What is your take? :blink:
Could she maybe be thinking that you're obsessed with the time status? I don't know why she'd think that since it's leaving pretty soon - just 4 more months.

Maybe it's a woman thing for her to think you're stalking a train! How absurd. :)

If that is stalking, then Amtrak, UP, BNSF CSX, NS, etc... also stalks trains! :rolleyes: I just consider it watching the OTP to have an idea. Even the media "stalks" the economy. (How else would we know that unemployment or the stock market dropped %% from last year? :huh: )

I bet she even "stalks" the traffic report to find out if her commute will be 20 minutes or 30 minutes, or if route __ is closed by construction and taking a detour is needed!

I do not consider checking to be "stalking". :rolleyes: I do it myself!
My better half who doesn't get trains saw me logging the on time status of Sunset Limited. I have created an Excel spreadsheet to keep a daily log of on time status into NOL and LAX until my trip in June. I was accused of stalking...I asked them how do you stalk a train.What is your take? :blink:
If only you knew. I wrote a .NET library that scrapes status off amtrak.com, then wrapped it in an app that does so for all California trains, and a few selected corridor trains elsewhere, and dumps it into an MS Access database. Something like amtrakdelays.com, but my own local version of the data that I can mine for various purposes (e.g. calibrating Mr. Recommender [story for another time. :p ]). It's been running for some 8 months now. :)
My better half who doesn't get trains saw me logging the on time status of Sunset Limited. I have created an Excel spreadsheet to keep a daily log of on time status into NOL and LAX until my trip in June. I was accused of stalking...I asked them how do you stalk a train.What is your take? :blink:
If only you knew. I wrote a .NET library that scrapes status off amtrak.com, then wrapped it in an app that does so for all California trains, and a few selected corridor trains elsewhere, and dumps it into an MS Access database. Something like amtrakdelays.com, but my own local version of the data that I can mine for various purposes (e.g. calibrating Mr. Recommender [story for another time. :p ]). It's been running for some 8 months now. :)
Well, if anything, you're not stalking the train...but your computer sure is!! :p
My better half who doesn't get trains saw me logging the on time status of Sunset Limited. I have created an Excel spreadsheet to keep a daily log of on time status into NOL and LAX until my trip in June. I was accused of stalking...I asked them how do you stalk a train.What is your take? :blink:
You're not alone! I created and maintained a similar spread sheet for six months in advance of a LD trip I made a few years back. The motivation for this concept was to monitor delays and to develop a better appreciation of OTP for the trains I was going to ride. It seemed like a reasonable idea, and yes, I was excited about my upcoming trip! It was interesting to monitor OTP for a while, but it did become time consuming. If I were well versed in .NET apps I'd probably create an automated version of this - like Jackal did.
My better half who doesn't get trains saw me logging the on time status of Sunset Limited. I have created an Excel spreadsheet to keep a daily log of on time status into NOL and LAX until my trip in June. I was accused of stalking...I asked them how do you stalk a train.What is your take? :blink:
You're not alone! I created and maintained a similar spread sheet for six months in advance of a LD trip I made a few years back. The motivation for this concept was to monitor delays and to develop a better appreciation of OTP for the trains I was going to ride. It seemed like a reasonable idea, and yes, I was excited about my upcoming trip! It was interesting to monitor OTP for a while, but it did become time consuming. If I were well versed in .NET apps I'd probably create an automated version of this - like Jackal did.
Um, as much as I wish I were well versed in .NET (or any programming language, for that matter), I must pass credit along to chuljin. (Either that, or I just don't want anyone thinking I'm a nerd! :D )
It starts with just "innocent" stalking of trains.

Next, you fantasize being inside trains.

Eventually, you suffer from full blown train-ophilia.

There is no cure. I suggest a support group like those at amtraktrains.com.
It starts with just "innocent" stalking of trains.
Next, you fantasize being inside trains.

Eventually, you suffer from full blown train-ophilia.

There is no cure. I suggest a support group like those at amtraktrains.com.
The Trainophilia has allready taken hold. I come home from work and search youtube for Amtrak and watch videos. I take Pacific Surfliner from FUL to point B so by the end of the year I have gone to every stop on the line on Saturday.

I try to search menus from my train I am taking.

I have now started a project (which is why I am taking route 1 in June) of takeing every route published end to end. GAWD! I AM a train nerd and proud of it.
And then of course there are location-specific sub-strains of the condition, like Trainophiliadelphia :lol: :lol: :lol:

And those with persistent plumbing problems occasionally have a similar syndrome called Drainophilia, not to be confused with a "pipe dream". All sorts of things flow from that one.
(Either that, or I just don't want anyone thinking I'm a nerd! :D )
Careful how you say "nerd". I am Proud to be a Train nerd. :rolleyes:

When you call somebody a "nerd," take great caution not to accidentally make a certain mispronunciation of it. And if you do make that certain mispronunciation, be prepared to run or defend yourself! :lol:
And then of course there are location-specific sub-strains of the condition, like Trainophiliadelphia :lol: :lol: :lol:
And the most severe case is trainonewyorkwashingtonbirminghamchicagolosangelesportlandseattleminneapolispitt

sburghsanantinioneworleansstlouiskansascity (deep breath) montrealalbanybostonatlantadenverflagstaffbuffalodetroitphiladelphia! :lol: :lol: :lol:

There is no cure for that! :p
And then of course there are location-specific sub-strains of the condition, like Trainophiliadelphia :lol: :lol: :lol:
And the most severe case is trainonewyorkwashingtonbirminghamchicagolosangelesportlandseattleminneapolispitt

sburghsanantinioneworleansstlouiskansascity (deep breath) montrealalbanybostonatlantadenverflagstaffbuffalodetroitphiladelphia! :lol: :lol: :lol:

There is no cure for that! :p
new york




los angeles





san antinio

new orleans

st louis

kansas city (deep breath)










Nice list lol but why make such a long word when you can use "Foamer" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And then of course there are location-specific sub-strains of the condition, like Trainophiliadelphia :lol: :lol: :lol:
And the most severe case is trainonewyorkwashingtonbirminghamchicagolosangelesportlandseattleminneapolispitt

sburghsanantinioneworleansstlouiskansascity (deep breath) montrealalbanybostonatlantadenverflagstaffbuffalodetroitphiladelphia! :lol: :lol: :lol:

There is no cure for that! :p
new york




los angeles





san antinio

new orleans

st louis

kansas city (deep breath)










Nice list lol but why make such a long word when you can use "Foamer" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
"I've been everywhere man I've been every where" Sorry I was thinking of the old Johnny Cash song. :lol:
And then of course there are location-specific sub-strains of the condition, like Trainophiliadelphia :lol: :lol: :lol:
And the most severe case is trainonewyorkwashingtonbirminghamchicagolosangelesportlandseattleminneapolispitt

sburghsanantinioneworleansstlouiskansascity (deep breath) montrealalbanybostonatlantadenverflagstaffbuffalodetroitphiladelphia! :lol: :lol: :lol:

There is no cure for that! :p
new york




los angeles





san antinio

new orleans

st louis

kansas city (deep breath)










Nice list lol but why make such a long word when you can use "Foamer" :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
thats not sever that mild. the worst case would be EVERY city that amtrak serves and that includes the busses.
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