Just out of curiosity...

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...What, if any kind of policy does Amtrak have in regards to friendly gambling on board their trains?

We are taking a cross country trip in October and we like to play cards and dice. Will a friendly game in the lounge cause a problem?
While I can't say for certain what the official policy is, I do know that playing cards certainly aren't outlawed in the lounge (in fact they're sold in the lounge). Chances are that as long as it doesn't make a lot of noise, or get anybody too annoyed, you won't have too much trouble. Again, I can't say for certain what will happen.
My guess would be no. It would probably have to be technically legal in the state you are in. So if you were playing a game in Nevada it could be legal. Amtrak is probably against gambling as fights could brake out if somebody is not happy with the course of the game.
On a warm summers eve on a train bound for nowhere I met up with a gambler we were both too tired to sleep...
I've seen a few people having friendly card games in the cafe car over the years. I suspect that it will come down to, how blatent are you that you're gambling, how rowdy does the game get, and who's the conductor on board.
Were talking pocket change here, not chips. Maybe a dollar ante. :D
It all depends on the Conductor and LSA. Some won't give half a crap, others will tell you to put it away right away. It all depends on the crew.
suggestion - bring a fistful of Monopoly money. Split it before you start. You can agree beforehand that the monopoly money will be worth 1/10 of a cent (or whatever) per monopoly dollar after the game and then settle up between you elsewhere. You would be playing for real penny-ante, but using fake money at the actual game, that nobody could get their noses out of joint about.
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