Lake Shore Limited Host Railroads through Cleveland

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Jul 22, 2011
Does the Lake Shore Limited still stick to the old NYC mainline all the way through Cleveland, or did the old trains used to follow a different routing?

Also, where exactly is the demarcation point between CSX and NS maintenance on the current route?
Most of the New York Central trains left the NYC mainline for a short stretch over the Cleveland Union Terminal Railway (partially NYC-owned), to serve the station beneath the Terminal Tower on Public Square. The Twentieth Century Limited stayed on the mainline, and did not have a station stop at Cleveland.
The mainline ran along the lakeshore....the CUT diverted from Collinwood, thru the Terminal, and rejoined 17 miles west at Lindale. That section was at one time electrified...
Ok so if I understand correctly today's lsl follows the nyc's main line all the way through Cleveland. The nyc passenger trains followed the cut tracks through tower city. The 20th century limited followed the route of today's lsl along the nyc main line. Thank you for the info.
Ok so if I understand correctly today's lsl follows the nyc's main line all the way through Cleveland. The nyc passenger trains followed the cut tracks through tower city. The 20th century limited followed the route of today's lsl along the nyc main line. Thank you for the info.
That's the way I understand it...not having a good detailed map, I cannot be sure of whether the routes came together at Linndale or at Berea...the NYC had several routes in the Cleveland area from several predecessor roads...the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis ("Big Four"), the Cleveland Short Line, etc.....
So it sounds like the LSL follows the old NYC mainline all the way through. That answers that question. Thanks!

I'm guessing PRR trains from Alliance back in the day would have also switched to the CUT line to the same station, or did they have their own?

Where does maintenance on the current LSL change from CSX to NS?
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The old NYC main line connected with Cleveland union terminal east of Windermere and the collinwood yard. Also going east, the Erie mainline connected to cut trackage east of east 30th. Going west cut trackage headed south west towards Cleveland Hopkins airport. The nkp had connections going west towards rocky river. the b&o. line turned south and is now the cuyahoga valley towards l

Akron. Cut ended lindale. Nyc's

20th century limited always by passed cut and followed the lake shore line.
The prr trains to Cleveland used Pennsylvania station at east 55 the street not cut.
Not sure *exactly* where Amtrak's dispatching switches from NS to CSX but it's definitely at Cleveland. There's a section through Cleveland station where I believe CSX owns some of the tracks and NS owns other tracks?... anyway, the change of maintenance responsibility is at Cleveland more or less.
The prr trains to Cleveland used Pennsylvania station at east 55 the street not cut.
The PRR trains to Cleveland used the old original Union Depot near the lakeshore, even after the other roads moved into the new Cleveland Union Terminal....they remained there until 1953, when they cut back to their East Euclid depot, until they ended all passenger service to Cleveland in 1965. The old Union Depot was torn down in 1959...
Forgot how long union depot hang on. I guess it is close to where the city wants to build a new intermodal station to replace grey hounds art deco station and Amtrak's current station. I think the shore way runs Thur the depot now.
Sounds about right....from what I read, it was located "at the foot of W. 9th Street", and extended to W. 6th Street.

I had not heard about the proposed new intermodal terminal, but it sounds like a good thing for the city and all concerned. Greyhound certainly does not need its "white elephant" old depot any longer, as it runs a fraction of the schedules it used to run through there...
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