Lake Shore Limited Issues/Questions

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Others can confirm, but I believe that the displaced sleepers in the BC split were given some type of box lunch from the cafe. They wouldn't have gotten much more at any point since the diner comes up from NY anyway even when the trains join.
When I have been on sleeper between Albany and Boston, we were always served a meal from the 448 and 449 menus by our sleeper attendant. There are only two choices, but they are NOT regular cafe fare and the food is significantly better. I understand that's not the case right now, though (if you get anything, even if you are riding in the split Business Class car, from the sound of it the food will probably be regular cafe fare).
So I guess ThirdRail is full of himself?? ThirdRail has posted nothing but good information. Why not sell BC seats in ARROW? Cause they're for the people that have Sleepers. Not just someone looking to upgrade for a short trip.
Isn't the South of Albany and the MNRR territory mostly in the 90 range? I think some of it is rated for 110, but I've only heard detector calls in the 90s.
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I spoke to someone in from of the LSL today at south station and said we will get to sit in the cafe/business section. We will see in April of this is true.
And the lake shore limited doesn't travel exclusively on freight tracks, so it does go faster on the passenger railroad controlled trackage.
And I'm not saying that you are in error by saying that.
LSL has three stretches where it can hit 100 or more. One is between Hudson and Albany, the second is between Albany and Schenectady, and the third I believe is a short stretch between Schenectady and Hoffmans. Probably Thirdrail can give more accurate info. But I have seen it hit 100 in these stretches on GPS.

All of this is now on the NY State leased, Amtrak maintained and dispatched territory.
Eh - isn't the speed limit up to 100 (or 110) between Albany (Renssealer) and Schenectady? And west of Schenectady again for a brief stretch?
Are they long enough to actually reach that speed with a long distance consist?
With the single track and the usual single unit, I wouldnt hold my breath.
Wait, the last west of Albany only has one unit? Since when, and can that train keep up with only one?
I can't say it does that on a regular basis or not. Keep in mind that a single P32-DM comes off, a P42 is added, and that P32 just pulled the whole train up from NY with 1000 less HP than the P42. I'm not sure if they used to add the Boston unit with that section or if it was a pool unit. Can't use the Boston now. My last trip was a single, not sure if that is common practice or not, but it is fairly flat.
From what I understood the Boston section had two Chicago units and was simply added to the front of the New York section after the p32 was removed from it.
That would make sense. The trains used to join, and hopefully will be doing that again in the near future. My recent trip was on a LSL that was not joined due to the Albany work, a full set came up from NY. I have definitely also been on LSL sets with 2 units West of Albany in the past.
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