Yes! I don't keep my phone in use 24/7, but when I have tried, more time then not it worked! Sure, you may not get coverage in Perdunkville, but you do as often as when you are driving around.
I haven't commented, but have been following this thread - glad to hear your son enjoyed his trip. Also glad to hear the Angus burger is good - that is something I haven't had a chance to try yet.Quick update.
He's home, no complaints on the train travel other than a minor inconvenience of not sleeping much & lack of outlets but other than that, he said it was all good. He met lots of nice people, had some good conversations, loved being able to roam around, had a great angus steak burger for dinner. He said each Amtrak employee was very nice & attentive. He never once said anything like, "I'm never doing that again!" He did say however, that he's looking forward to having a roomette on his return trip.
All in all, it was a positive experience. Thanks to everyone for their advice and help!
Enjoy your holidays and travels!
~ Allison
Please don't misquote me. I never said anything of the sort. I merely said that someone who is set out to hate travelling by Amtrak will hate doing it. That is all I said.Unlike GML, I personally think that teenagers and college age kids would love the train since it so care-free and open to people "hanging out in the lounge" or roaming around the train a bit meeting new people. You can't really do that on any other form of transportation... except a boat.