Last Four Transactions on AGR did not show

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Nov 24, 2009
Hillsborough, NJ
I don't know what is going on but on my last four transactions on the AGR shopping portal none showed on transactions. They did show on clicks. I submitted missing points claims on these and three were posted but only one came through which was

Home Depot, and Walmart didn't show but I finally got them added to transactions, still no points though. Sears never showed up on a purchase that was made on 6/9/15 and I am still trying to get that to post. Fortunately I took screen shots of all of these transactions and quite a bit was spent for materials for a kitchen floor and a new refrigerator. If challenged I can prove but it seems a fight to receive AGR shopping portal points these days.

Is anyone else having trouble with these sellers?

On a separate note we just stayed at a Wyndham last week and the 500 points posted promptly.
I have found that my Walmart purchases sometimes take several weeks to post as well as some JC Penneys as well. It is true that hotels and rental cars seem to post much quicker but that is a different mode than the Points for Shopping area.
I don't know what you guys mean by 'transactions' vs. points.

I still have not received points from a Feb 15 purchase. I filed a complaint and got an email response from AGR saying they asked shoebuy to investigate. Weeks pass. I ask again via reply to that email and get another response saying they are still waiting for a response from shoebuy. In other words, nothing.

The AGR email also said they had posted this as 'pending' on my account; I was never able to see this.

If they cannot be trusted to deliver the points there is no reason to use the shopping portal. Am I wrong?
I would say that the shopping portal has issues. If you view a click on a seller at the time and date the claimed purchase was made what more proof do they need.?

Hotels -no problem

Enterprise Car Rental -no problem.

Magazineline- Great

Hertz- they stink. they don't deliver and we stopped using them. Their loss not ours. - they delivered

Sears and Home Depot- ???????

What I believe that we need to do is to go on the seller site through the portal. Shop on it then put the items in the cart. Close the AGR website and open it in the same browsing session. Now go to the seller, open the cart and place the order. While may be happening is that the seller is not tracking the purchase on all of the pages that you use in the online store but all the time that I shop I see the Amtrak logo in the address bar so I am not sure what gives.
I have had no trouble at all with Vitacost (points "pending" on the transactions screen two days after purchases, and awarded on schedule). Then I tried eBags (10 points per dollar!), and had to ask for an investigation. I received a prompt reply, and the "pending" points were posted by AGR. It hasn't been long enough yet to be worried about the results of the retailer's investigation.

I shopped most recently at Campmor, a venerable retailer that I have dealt with back in the days of paper catalogs. Again no pending points after two weeks, and this time my contact form to AGR was not even answered with a "we'll get back to you after we look at this" form email. I was wondering if the missing points claim had somehow not gotten through, and I was about to try again to submit the missing points claim. Now wondering if there is something more going on??
I held off on re-submitting, and one day later here comes my email from Amtrak:

Dear Jennifer,

Thank you for your email.

We have contacted Campmor on your behalf for your transaction for investigation. In the meantime we have added the purchase as pending for you and you should now be able to view details of it in your transaction area.

Kind regards,

Amtrak Guest Rewards Points for Shopping Support
It was sent at 2:29am PDT, which leads me to believe they have poorly paid people in (fill in Asian country here) doing the work. If there are lots of missing points right now, that could explain why it took several days for them to get back to me.

I will be interested to see if/when these points finally come through, and what others' experience is with missing points claims.
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That's the same email response I got except sub shoebuy for campmor and mine was signed with a name of a person. I have not been able to see the "pending" points posted in my 'transaction area'. And, so far, at least a month later, NO POINTS.
I have had no trouble at all with Vitacost (points "pending" on the transactions screen two days after purchases, and awarded on schedule). Then I tried eBags (10 points per dollar!), and had to ask for an investigation. I received a prompt reply, and the "pending" points were posted by AGR. It hasn't been long enough yet to be worried about the results of the retailer's investigation.

I shopped most recently at Campmor, a venerable retailer that I have dealt with back in the days of paper catalogs. Again no pending points after two weeks, and this time my contact form to AGR was not even answered with a "we'll get back to you after we look at this" form email. I was wondering if the missing points claim had somehow not gotten through, and I was about to try again to submit the missing points claim. Now wondering if there is something more going on??
I shopped at Vitacost 7 days ago and the points have not shown up as pending yet. I contacted AGR this morning - no response yet, but I did not expect one so soon.
That's the same email response I got except sub shoebuy for campmor and mine was signed with a name of a person. I have not been able to see the "pending" points posted in my 'transaction area'. And, so far, at least a month later, NO POINTS.
I believe you should probably reply to the email you received, and tell them what you said here. Both times they said they had posted "pending points" to my transactions, they were there immediately. Once they appear as "pending" it can take two months for the points to be finalized.
I once received that reply and "pending" points for missing purchases from Home Depot and Staples for a combined 4K. The points posted within a month.

Make sure you click thru the portal. Just to be certain, right before I click "submit" or "place order" I re-enter the site thru the portal, and then checkout!
Make sure you click thru the portal. Just to be certain, right before I click "submit" or "place order" I re-enter the site thru the portal, and then checkout!
I actually did that with trhe Campmor purchase, because the first session (where I set up the account and placed products in my wishlist) timed out. So I went back through the portal to log in, placed two products in my cart from the wishlist, and checked out, all within about 5 minutes. Still didn't do the trick. Go figure.
I recommend taking screen shots of all purchases and save them for reference. If you are challenged you can present proof. Another suggestion is that if there is a comment box write in " Purchase made through the Amtrak Shopping Portal"
I have one company that I buy from every so often. I have to send in an e-mail each time after 7-10 days to get the points to post "pending".

This past time, the customer service person said maybe it wasn't going through automatically because I use an ad blocker. No idea if that would be true or not, just passing that along.
I recommend taking screen shots of all purchases and save them for reference. If you are challenged you can present proof. Another suggestion is that if there is a comment box write in " Purchase made through the Amtrak Shopping Portal"
I don't think proof of purchase is the issue. You generally get several of them, email, etc. The issue is that the Rub Goldberg scheme for linking the purchase to AGR doesn't seem to be working.

I do like your second suggestion. I doubt it will get your pending points posted automatically within the five working days promised. But at least when you contact Amtrak, they will see that you know what you are talking about.
I would strongly agree with the recommendation of turning off any advertising blockers, cookie blockers, and/or script blockers when making purchases that involve third party agreements like AGR's portal. That being said, I also would never buy from an AGR partner simply because they happen to offer points in exchange for choosing them. Find the company with the best prices and service and then if they happen to be an AGR partner then by all means buy through the portal. If not then don't bother. If you chase monkey points with too much gusto they'll eventually make a monkey out of you.
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That being said, I also would never buy from an AGR partner simply because they happen to offer points in exchange for choosing them. Find the company with the best prices and service and then if they happen to be an AGR partner then by all means buy through the portal. If not then don't bother. If you chase monkey points with too much gusto they'll eventually make a monkey out of you.
I have too often found that I am presented with completely different (higher) prices when I go through a portal (AGR or other) vs when I go direct to the site on a different computer at the same time. Sometimes my best price is going straight to a site, then browsing around but not putting anything in my cart, and a coupon for 10-15% off or free shipping will show up.

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