Don't expect things to move fast (though I'd love it if they did).
Amtrak's budget has included money for relocating the Chicago Metropolitan Lounge for several years running.
Well, Chicago seems to be a bit of a different story. The FY2013 budget doesn't mention it specifically, since it only breaks down items that are changes from previous years' budgets. But, here's how it was spelled it in the FY2012 budget (emphasis mine):
Station and Facility Improvements Program: $12.0M
o Chicago Union Station Improvements - $12.0M:
This is a multi-year project. Project will relocate CUS Metropolitan Lounge to historical building, renovate the coach boarding lounge, convert lounge G to public restrooms, install 72 sets of historical building entry doors, install induction lighting, restore historical building façade, install a new HVAC system for the great hall and the 2nd and 3rd floors of the station, replace 12 escalators, replace tactile edging along the platforms, renovate pedestrian way, install historical building sprinkler system, replace both exterior and interior windows throughout the historical building, modernize elevators (4 passenger, 2 freight), and perform environmental remediation work, which will include lead based paint and asbestos removal on upper floors.
I don't know if the $12 million was just the outlay expected in FY2012, and there's an additional amount assumed in this year's and future budgets,