LGB Model Trains

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Lead Service Attendant
AU Supporting Member
Jan 3, 2022
Santa Rosa
My sister has an old LGB guage train set, which she hauls out, every Christmas, to place around the Christmas tree.
Her train is in need of repair and she has had trouble locating a model train shop that repairs LGB's. Her train still doesn't run.

I've also been thinking about an LGB train set for around my Christmas tree. The LGB train sets seem to be quite expensive. Is there a good site, on the web, for purchasing a LGB train set at a reasonable cost? Also, what about train repair. Do some sites also offer repair services? I'm uncertain if my sister's problem is with the model train or the power pack. I think my sister told me LGB trains are no longer made in the US. Is that true?

Is that the 64mm gauge? I think it is called G now, used to be called standard. You are right, they are expensive, I was shocked when I looked up some of my cars on eBay. Lionel makes some less expensive battery powered locomotives that run on those tracks but I haven't seen any and don't know the quality. Several scales run on those tracks. I'm assuming it is one of the smaller sets since it runs indoors. You can find train cars and track at model train conventions and swap meets. I think the museum in Balboa Park has some, and the Cheyenne museum has a few on static display (they have a coin-op setup of a smaller gauge). That is also where you'll find people to repair them. If you take the non-running locomotive with you, you can probably get it looked at for free at an event. That said, nearly every hobby shop will have connections and it is worth developing a relationship with your local dealer. Some train clubs have G-scale layout but even if they only have HO it is worth going to an open house or meeting.

See RailServe for model train events and clubs. For good shops and repair, ask at every layout (of any gauge) you see, including garden railways.

These HO modelers meet in Santa Rosa: Coastal Valley Lines – Modular Model Railroading for Sonoma County
Web site will sell you stuff.
As for repairs Alice advise is spot on.

Kind of depends where you live and if your willingness to ship stuff.

Since you think it might be a transformer it would be easy to visit an show or club and see if works on there test track.

Yes, LGB are considered G scale, today. They are 1:22.5 scale, 45 mm. The company started producing LGB trains in Nuremberg , Germany in 1968. They have been popular with people setting up outdoor model trains. Marklin may make them, today, but I'm not sure. Thanks for the info on the Coastal Valley Lines model railroad club.

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