LS status reports

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Dec 31, 2009
Quite often the status report for the Lakeshore shows two entirely different arrival times for 49 and 449, yet both are one train long before they reach Chicago. Why? At 7:20am today's (1/9/10) status shows 449 arriving 33 minutes late, while 49 as arriving 6 minutes early!

Actually the Boston section is first in the consist today, so it should arrive before the NY section.

Unless of course they back into the station. :lol:

But I too have noticed that issue with different arrival times before. Must be some glitch as to how the data gets entered.

Re; today's LS...with all the hard fought battles AMK fought '' under extrem weather conditions'' recently, and all the hours and hours of delays...could it just be, maybe, thet BOS and NYC sections are operated separately today ?

Just a tought.....would explain one 6 minutes early and the other 33 miinutes late....or is the one '' 6 minutes early'' actually yestarday's train 23 hours 54 minutes late and finally arriving ??? ( lol...... :lol: )



I've never seen that happen Claude, and I can't imagine that CSX would even permit Amtrak to run "an extra" train. Not to metion that Amtrak would need to find additional operating crews, something that's not all that easy to do; extra P42's that Albany doesn't have; and it would be breaking its promise to the Boston sleeping car passengers about meals in the dining car. And the NY section would have no cafe car for all the coach passengers, also not good.

Finally, as I mentioned before, this isn't the first time that I've seen different times. I'm not sure what causes it, but it happens all the time.