Major disaster for CSX and NS in the Appalachian mountain areas

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west point

Jun 9, 2015
SW ATL airport
Hurricane Helene has delt both RRs severe damages.
1. CSX ex Clinchfield RR probably near wipe out in Erwin. Unconfirmed reports several wash out on to Bostic. The water in Erwin even flooded hospital.
2. NS from Bulls gap on to Newport (dam failure) along US25 reports still coming in on to Ashville. Ashville completely isolated both road and rail. I-40 wash out west of Ashville. East not confirmed. I-26 not known both ways however it was washed away south of Henderson toward Spartanburg just before completion by another Hurricane. NS to both Old Fort and Canton also wash outs??
Report only way in and out of Ashville is by air?
I saw a picture of a rail line in Asheville with locomotive and cars parked on a bridge. I suppose that is to try to keep weight on the bridge so it won’t wash away. At any rate every. rail line in the path of Helene has been affected.