Metrolink’s “Tier 4” locomotive unveiling stopped in its tracks

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They have been having a lot of problems with these units for the last 6-9 months. The fact that one of the subcontractors for very significant components is now a straight competitor of EMD is not helping resolve the situation as I understand it.
A quick jogs to memory.

The order for 40 locomotives was placed by Metrolink in 2013

First of them found their way to Metrolink in early 2016. Apparently they still remain to become reliable enough for broad deployment in everyday use and we are at the end of 2017. A few of them have seen regular service so far. It is not clear how many beyond the 13 that had been delivered by early 2017 have actually been delivered. It is also not clear how many are in regular service at present. Maybe our brethren in the Metrolink area can shed some light.

The engine that failed during this event was 907, which has allegedly been in regular service on the San Bernardino Line for several months.

As they say in our business, if you can't even fake a demo there is something seriously wrong. It is quite possible that Metrolink may have gotten themselves 40(or some number less than that) lemons.
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Must have been something pretty serious if they couldn’t tow it into the station for the event.

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Yep it's baaaaaaaack.

Saw it stop at Covina a little while ago. Seemed to be doing fine.

Saw it pass by a couple times after midnight in the past week or so.
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I know the problems of them breaking down is being fixed, but I kind of wonder what the actual problem is that caused them to constantly break down after delivery (or maybe months after delivery)?
There are underlying issues of the parts delivery chain which now involves a major competitor of EMD as the primary source of parts. And naturally they have been trying to throw as many spanners in the works as possible to advance their own agenda.
Its called POS Syndrome. Its common on many government contract products.
LOL oh GML always love your straight shooting replies.

I myself stopped taking Metrolink regularly because of the constant breakdowns and other unpleasantness aboard the trains. These new engines were supposed to solve the problems but guess not. At this point with everything that Metrolink seems to screw up, I say bring back the BNSF engines because there were no weekly breakdowns when those were on the trains. Maybe the idea is to save on emissions by breaking down and not running.
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