Most number of Engines every spotted on an Amtrak

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Jun 21, 2003
Redlands, CA
Well I was debating whether or not to make this a topic...but I guess I decided to go ahead and post it. I was just curious the most number of Engines you have ever seen on an amtrak train.
I think I've seen photos with 3 or 4 locomotives. Otherwise I think 2 is the normal # (as evident with the Auto Train).
I know the southwest chief has been traveling with four. I took some pictures of it about two weeks ago that I hope to have up soon.
There was a picture in an old Amtrak timetable that I have (I think 1998) which shows the Empire Builder being hauled by 5 P42s! Talk about alot or power!
I have seen that EXACT picture. One thing I have noticed about that picture, it looks as if there are two trains in the consist. If you look closely there appears to be a second baggage car in the middle of the train.
A while ago, I saw a 7 engine train in sunnyside yards...

E60- Phaze 3

AEM7AC- Phaze 5

AEM7-Phaze 4


HHP-8- Phaze 5

P42- Phaze 5

It had no cars, and probably didnt move together, but it was a really interesting sight to see. No cars in the train
P42 I dug out that old timetable and your right, there is a baggage car stuck right smack dab in the middle. Maybe there was some kind of deadhead eqipment move. It seems to be a very long train! Weird. Also Ive seen pictures on a website where there were light engine moves of older locomotives (F40PHs and GP40TC) about 7 units in length over the B&A from Boston to Albany.
There were 5 on the east-bound Southwest Chief one day in December 2001. I got on in Los Angeles (5 locomotives) and got off in Newton (still 5 locomotives). All 5 were belching smoke from the top in Los Angeles. It was too dark to do a smoke check in Newton (3:00 in the morning).
Amtrak Watcher said:
There were 5 on the east-bound Southwest Chief one day in December 2001. I got on in Los Angeles (5 locomotives) and got off in Newton (still 5 locomotives). All 5 were belching smoke from the top in Los Angels. It was too dark to check in Newton (3:00 in the morning).
Im jelous . I would have loved to have seen that. I drove down to the amtrak station the other day and saw three, which is the most I have seen down here in Atlanta for a while. When I travel out west the most I have ever seen was 4 on the southwest chief. :)
I've seen as many as 3 locos on the Zephyr and on the Reno Fun Train.
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