Name That Station!

Amtrak Unlimited Discussion Forum

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Ok, here we go-


The New Beaumont Station ??? :lol: :lol: Seriously,Kansas City Union Station???
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jimhudson is correct! Kansas City Union Station it is. I was there on New Year's eve and here is another (too easy for this game) photo of the station I took that evening from the Liberty Memorial opposite the station-


jimhudson, you are up next!

Thought I would jump in with one I suspect is an easy one.

Sure that isnt the Lobby @ one of the Less than First Class Vegas Hotels Eric?? :lol: :lol: :lol: (Those of us that have never seen the CHI Metro Lounge this empty are surprised that a couple of you Photographers have been able to snag pics of an almost empty Lounge! :eek: )

**I am unable to post pics of Stations but enjoy playing this Game! :cool: When I correctly ID a Station, anyone feel free to Post another pic!**
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Thought I would jump in with one I suspect is an easy one.

Sure that isnt the Lobby @ one of the Less than First Class Vegas Hotels Eric?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Way to small, considering the price of land here
(Those of us that have never seen the CHI Metro Lounge this empty are surprised that a couple of you Photographers have been able to snag pics of an almost empty Lounge! :eek: )
I confess that was taken at 8:00am, I had arrived by Air + Van and the room had just opened.
Yes. I thought Stephen would get this one, but he is probably still asleep

or drinking fair trade coffee!!

Your turn, RRDude!!
Since this thread has fallen quiet and gone back to Page 2 of the forum, let me revive it with one photo although its not my turn. Here we go- guess this one-
