I was going to guess Elizabethtown since I remember seeing the bench in that area while on a Keystone.Impressive.
Middletown, PA is correct!
I was going to guess Elizabethtown since I remember seeing the bench in that area while on a Keystone.Impressive.
Middletown, PA is correct!
I recognized the location immediately, primarily due to the walkway leading up to the platform.Impressive.
Middletown, PA is correct!
Correct, photo taken Sept 5, 2008, from eastbound California Zephyr #6. Added detail; train was about two hours late .Photo taken at 11:32AM CDTShadows notwithstanding, the Mt. Pleasant shot was almost certainly taken from an E/B No. 6. Passengers would be waiting on the wrong platform for No. 5, unless No. 5 is operating "left-hand rule" on a double-tracked main.
Stamford, CT is correct. I left the "Metro Center"sign in the picture in the background as the clue. jersey42 it is your turn.Stamford CT. The red topped station sign looks like Metro North, and the building could be Metro Center.
It also has single level cars.This ones probably gonna need some clues Tom! It could be almost anywhere Superliners Run!!!
Nope, but one state away.Toledo
Nope!South Bend, In?
But really close!Playing a hunch I'm going to say Indianapolis, IN.
You have it, David. Car is sitting in front of the main building with just a little of the roof showing. Since it has a three letter code as all Amtrak stations have I guess we can call it such. Your turn, again.Beech Grove, IN?