Swadian Hardcore
Emeryville, CA.
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Judging by the perfect state of the track, it must have been done not too long before then.LWBaxter is the first of several people to correctly identify Ft. Worth, TX. Your turn to post a photo.
This photo dates from 2002...... Texas Eagle is the train arriving on the left, consist for the Heartland Flyer (which I will be catching a couple of hours later) to Oklahoma City is on the right.
AlohaI agree, Fort Worth, the highway viaduct in the background gives it away. and the track that actually crosses the middle platform
If you look carefully at the tower with the satellite antennas, you'll recognize it in my signature picture.
Maybe Breckenridge, MN?No not Ann Arbor, not Williston.Swadian is on the right track as the Empire Builder no longer serves Yakima, but the depot pictured is not Yakima.